Sentences with phrase «risky driving behaviors»

Young males tend to engage in riskier driving behaviors than females in general.
Instead, we teach you how to drive more defensively by recognizing and changing risky driving behaviors, using concrete examples that any driver can relate to.
Low credit scores have been correlated with risky driving behaviors and poor driving records.
Driving is dangerous — everyone knows that — but when people engage in risky driving behaviors, they make the situation even worse.
We teach you how to drive more defensively by recognizing and changing risky driving behaviors, using concrete examples anyone can relate to.
Maryland driver improvement courses are designed to correct risky driving behaviors in traffic offenders.
Risky driving behaviors increase the likelihood that you will be involved in an accident.
This research seeks to determine the effects of GDLs on risky driving behaviors of youth and to assess whether GDLs have an unintended effect on underage drinking behaviors.
Add to the upsurge of drivers on the road an increase in risky driving behaviors like exceeding the speed limit and distracted driving, and you have the perfect storm for even more crashes.
While risky driving behaviors are far from the most common cause of bus accidents, most drivers involved in bus accidents did not exhibit risky or reckless driving behaviors, compared to a small percent that were accused of serious offenses like DUI, drowsy driving, or speeding.
Vehicles that can be classified as high performance autos will carry higher premiums generally because there is greater opportunity for risky driving behavior.
Careers considered low - risk by auto insurance companies, statistically show that people in these professions exercise risky driving behaviors less often than those in other jobs.
Mental health symptoms related to attention deficit - hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and conduct disorder are associated with increased errors in a driving simulator and self - reported risky driving behaviors in adolescents, according to study in Nursing Research, published by Wolters Kluwer.
«We have found that when someone is asked to follow another vehicle, it can lead to them engaging in risky driving behavior, such as driving faster, making more erratic turns and following too close to the car in front.
«It is important to note that in our simulation, the leader and other vehicles around them did not break any laws, so the follower was not just copying the risky driving behavior they saw from someone else,» says Professor Gray.
«With more participants, and improved measures, we can examine how long these changes last, and, we hope, develop safer ways to get them to correct their risky driving behaviors
Marriage Status: If you are married, you form a bond with another person — a bond that makes you think twice before you engage in a risky driving behavior.
Young motorists, who are under the age of twenty five, are considered a high risk segment of motorists by an Oregon car insurance company due to their lack of experience and their tendencies to engage in risky driving behaviors.
The fact that your license got suspended in the first place means that you were engaging in risky driving behavior.
Risky driving behaviors: Teens may engage in risky driving behaviors, such as speeding, running red and yellow lights, running stop signs, tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, and misjudging the capability of their vehicles.
Understand that this proof is required simply because you have likely engaged in risky driving behavior.
Thus, insurance companies have determined that men are more likely to engage in risky driving behavior and cause accidents than female drivers, so they will pay more in insurance premiums.
Most car insurance companies offer discounts to young drivers who complete driver's education programs, because those drivers are statistically less likely to engage in risky driving behaviors and get into car accidents.
Teenagers are also likely to engage in risky driving behaviors.
This regulation is unfair to both male and female student drivers who maintain a good driving record, since they must pay as much for their student car insurance, same as the driver who has a risky driving behavior.
Teenagers are also more linked to risky driving behavior than adult drivers.
Consider some of the following courses of action to help mitigate your teen's risky driving behavior:
As cars become safer, people engage in riskier driving behavior.
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