Sentences with phrase «risky film»

It's a slightly risky film in some ways, but I believe that it could be a major player.
As its own film, Infinity War is Marvel's biggest and most risky film yet.
Over the years, Andrew Niccol has proven himself to be a more - than - capable director of commercially risky films interested in the idea of «identity».
This is not the last risky film on Marvel's schedule.
Ever since becoming a star, she's made small, artistically risky films that may not have had an upside where finances or fame or fan service were concerned but pushed the medium in exhilarating and sometimes strange, even alienating ways.
Because of her taking on risky films such as Moulin Rouge, Birth and Dogville she will be discussed FOREVER.
A small fleet of think pieces, blog posts and old - fashioned in - person conversations have reached a common conclusion: «It's Marvel's riskiest film yet
If you spend $ 100 million and the film collapses, it makes it more difficult to try to do another riskier film later on.
Fury Road was a big, expensive, risky film that paid off because of the irrepressible will and talent of its director, George Miller.
It's a risky film, where Wiseman's is as smooth and frictionless as the latex his wife wears in the Underworld saga.
Besson has created his share of strong, female action heroes and Johannson is turning into that rare actor who is interesting to watch in both big - budget action movies, like The Avengers, and riskier films, like Under the Skin.
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