Sentences with phrase «risky form»

For lenders, this makes student loans a less risky form of debt.
These were relatively easy to find in the early part of the 20th century, when stocks were still seen as a relatively new, risky form of investing.
«It's all about the news out of China; what really spooked the market is they restricted riskier forms of debt for...
This is what I see in many residential real estate markets now: panicked buyers are saying «this is my last chance,» and buying houses using risky forms of financing.
Sound ethical practice compels clinicians to provide the least restrictive and least risky form of therapy / treatment to youth with ADHD.
California School Districts Face Huge Debt on Risky Bonds Two hundred school districts across California have borrowed billions of dollars using a costly and risky form of financing that has saddled them with staggering debt, according to a Times analysis.
Klein follows the «dark» money behind the propaganda of climate - change denial, the effort to dismantle the federal government to curtail corporate regulation, and the justification for the feverish pursuit of the riskiest forms of carbon - emission - producing energy from tar sands extraction to deep - water drilling, fracking, and mountaintop - removal coal mining.
Even credit cards — the riskiest form of consumer debt — can work well if you pay off the balance every month, preferably during the grace period offered by most high - quality cards.
The interest rates are higher because both personal loans and credit cards are riskier forms of lending for the issuing financial institution.
In real - life investing, very conservative investors gravitate to low - risk vehicles like Canada Savings Bonds and Guaranteed Investment Certificates, although interestingly the almost - comparable money market mutual funds are seen as a kind of gateway to riskier forms of investing: once you're in a money market fund you're just a quick switch away from equity mutual funds, which is where investors look for more return and of course higher risk.
Corporal punishment, physical correction, is always a risky form of behavior modification because it can backfire.
Generally speaking these are a riskier form of life insurance coverage than whole life insurance, and may result in a lower or higher rate of return to the owner.
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