Sentences with phrase «risky purchase»

As someone who works in real estate during my day job, I have seen REITs make some great purchases, and others make some really risky purchases.
A team of psychologists — Dr Thekla Morgenroth and Professor Michelle Ryan from the University of Exeter and Professor Cordelia Fine and Anna Genat from the University of Melbourne - devised a new measure of risk - taking including activities that women might more typically pursue such as going horseback riding or making risky purchases online.
Mario Balotelli and Rickie Lambert were always risky purchases, but the Belgian has his best years ahead of him and is the kind of powerful and determined player up front that should give the side much more for opposition defenders to think about.
A teacher, of course, has to weigh the risks and her own savings habits; if she is prone to high spending or making risky purchases where she burns through all her contribution money rather than saving, otherwise known as «leakage,» then keeping it locked away with the state in exchange for a small pension down the road may be a better decision.
I have about 3 credit cards: One for doing riskier purchases ($ 0.00 fraud protection) with a low spending limit, an East coast bank, and a West coast bank.
Per Bloomberg, the bans are designed to prevent customers from making hugely risky purchases on their credit lines or scammers from buying cryptocurrency and disappearing:
Despite bursting onto the scene as a highly rated young talent a few years ago, Barkley has arguably failed to improve and would look a risky purchase if not for his low asking price.
Not quite sure what the fuss I about with Martinez its a risky purchase!
To have a safe, Stoke - like semi-feeder mid-table club that always makes a profit without any risky purchases.
Maybe a risky purchase at # 29m, but Roberto Firmino looks the real deal after some eye - catching performances at old club Hoffenheim and for the Brazilian national team.
But it can be a risky purchase, scientists say, because a mom can't tell by looking at the milk whether it's safe and nutritious for her baby.
I am a small according to my measurements, but am very busty, so I knew it would be a risky purchase.
This creates a negative perception of the book being untried and not vetted by others, which makes the book seem like a risky purchase.
Blackstone (BX) represents my riskiest purchase to date, because I confess to not really understanding how the «unit shares» (these are technically not stocks) I am purchasing are valued.
This means it would be a risky purchase regardless of your finances.
Buying a new Windows 10 Mobile handset in 2017 is a risky purchase because we simply don't know how much longer this platform has before Microsoft ups and abandons it altogether, as it did with Windows RT and Windows Phone 7 before it.
Mold is a common home intruder that can quickly turn a desirable house into a risky purchase for potential buyers.
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