Sentences with phrase «risky technology»

With so much uncertainty in the market this year, thanks to Brexit, the U.S. election and worries about China, people want to own tried - and - true operations, not risky technology and energy firms.
The PP distinguishes the EU from countries such as the USA where risky technologies, hormone - laced milk and GM ingredients are allowed.
It is certainly not a more efficient form of traditional cross-breeding, but rather a qualitatively different and risky technology which can cross the species barrier, which nature would never do.
Your editorial on field trials to investigate potentially risky technologies, including geoengineering (10 September, p 3), was right to highlight...
Going Defensive — many fund managers may decide to rotate out of riskier technology or biotech stocks and «hide out» in defensive stock sectors that are unlikely to suffer major losses out of the blue.
I'm sceptical but I wouldn't rule it out, for the simple reason that Sony has shown itself willing to take a punt on commercially risky technologies — most recently PSVR — and the Switch has shown the enduring value of bespoke hardware (when you get it right).
We will attempt to transcend peak oil and gas by using increasingly risky technologies to extract the last drops, turning ever larger swaths of our globe into sacrifice zones.
They plan to invest heavily in risky technologies, aiming to span what they term the «valley of death» facing new entrants into global energy markets.
These measures must be urgently carried out without resorting to false solutions such as agrofuels and risky technology such as nuclear power.»
Not with the risky technologies and financially unstable companies he is investing taxpayer dollars in.
«Without a clear financial upside, there's very little reason for companies to pursue that risky technology development.»
This hurts the most vulnerable through land grabbing, impacts on food production, biodiversity, and forces the future to be determined by unproven and risky technology.
That's a lot to gamble on a risky technology that continues to struggle to prove it's even possible to deploy on a global scale.
Today, digital tokens are still considered a young and risky technology.
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