Sentences with phrase «risky than small companies»

Within stocks, large companies (large - cap stocks) are seen as safer than mid-sized companies (mid-cap stocks) which are likewise seen as less risky than small companies (small - cap stocks).

Not exact matches

DSPBR Microcap is certainly riskier than Franklin India Smaller Companies.
However while Tanzania has been less risky than other African countries there has been a bit of discussion regarding the new mining act, and the odd politician and local small scale miner have been antagonisitic to the company in the Tanzanian press.
Investing in small companies is more risky and more volatile than investing in large companies.
Companies that are small tend to be riskier than large companies while value - based companies tend to be riskier than growth - based companies, so it is important to diversify across all 9 style profiles, even if one part is weighted heavier than the others based on your risk tCompanies that are small tend to be riskier than large companies while value - based companies tend to be riskier than growth - based companies, so it is important to diversify across all 9 style profiles, even if one part is weighted heavier than the others based on your risk tcompanies while value - based companies tend to be riskier than growth - based companies, so it is important to diversify across all 9 style profiles, even if one part is weighted heavier than the others based on your risk tcompanies tend to be riskier than growth - based companies, so it is important to diversify across all 9 style profiles, even if one part is weighted heavier than the others based on your risk tcompanies, so it is important to diversify across all 9 style profiles, even if one part is weighted heavier than the others based on your risk tolerance.
That would be like believing small risky companies should make less than large successful companies.
Put your money in an unmanaged index fund (as risky as the index you put it to - ie: a venture index with small cap companies would be riskier in some ways than an index of large cap companies); and / or
Small companies are more volatile and riskier than larger companies because they have less business diversification, fewer financial resources and greater uncertainty of earnings than their large counterparts.
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