Sentences with phrase «ritualistic acts»

"Ritualistic acts" refer to repeated actions or behaviors that are performed in a specific way, often as part of a religious or cultural ceremony. These acts may have symbolic meanings and are done to honor certain beliefs, traditions, or values. Full definition
If so, he has succeeded, but his film's universe is hollow and trashy and impossible to engage with, so much so that the staging of elegant ritualistic acts of violence seems to become Only God Forgives» sole and overriding purpose.
They were part of a cultic activity and were associated with ritualistic acts, religious ceremonials, sacred dancing, and drama.
I saw a lot of the same kind of silly / poignant ritualistic acting - out after Columbine, marking the emotions at play in Permanent Record as ageless despite its Rick Springfield hair.
During his residency, Sahej Rahal worked with found objects, created tools, costumes and instruments to develop a meandering episodic narrative, wherein absurd shamanic beings perform ritualistic acts of transit across the landscape of -LSB-...]
Often presenting unsettling themes — such as a film about a smoking disconsolate moon, or watercolors of lonely, misshapen figures engaged in ritualistic acts — he confronts viewers with a world where there is no authentic resolution between the demands of the social world and the exigency of personal desire.
If you truly believed that doing an ritualistic act would save someones soul for all of eternity, why would it matter what others thought?
The way some went on it made it seem gay people are troglodytes roaming the world devouring everyone and everything in some ritualistic acts.
The figures in The Potato Eaters do not engage each other in conversation, but seem preoccupied with the ritualistic act of serving the meal.
As ritual goes hand - in - hand with remembrance, and monuments along with memorials are often the centrepieces of ritualistic acts, the works in Monument to Cold War Victory proposed to change not only the landscape of our cultural heritage but also the routines of memory.
The ritualistic act of sanding, smoothing, and polishing that has taken place in her studio is not overly explicit in any of these objects.
Living processes, from fermentation to the generation of an electrical current through bacterial digestion, join with objects, organic matter and DIY mechanics to constitute a ritualistic act in which ceaseless movement echoes the histories of trade that entangle them.
Thirteen separate short films are presented simultaneously on monitors in the ground floor gallery; in each one the artist repeatedly enacts a brief, ritualistic act, described in the press release as «psychodramas of the rawest nature.»
The ritualistic act of nailing to create movement is given its most full expression in this whirling object, which at its highest velocity dissolves matter, space and time into one.
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