Sentences with phrase «river current»

"River current" refers to the continuous flow of water in a river. Full definition
It's a good idea to assess water quality and potential hazards such as ocean or river currents before a dog is allowed to enter the water.
It took some days to retrieve the wreckage from the riverbed and it was found to be further damaged by strong river currents.
He then asked two experts in prehistoric stone technology, Jack Harris of Rutgers University and Steven Kuhn of the University of Arizona in Tucson, to assess whether the stones from the Taï forest had been formed by random geologic forces — battered by river currents, say — or had been deliberately shaped by thrusting or flaking.
NATIONAL POST, Toronto: With Food, USB Drives in Bottles, Activists Try to Penetrate North Korea Through River Currents
The leading suggestion is that slow river currents can twist a piece of ice around; as the ice rotates, its edges are gradually worn down to form a perfect circle.
At roughly 1 centimeter long, this young Ecdyonurus mayfly lives in fast - flowing river currents, grazing on algae that blankets the rocky riverbed.
On this full day trip, you'll be able to enjoy the beauty of Black Canyon while riding the Colorado River currents all the way down to famous Willow Beach.
This is evident in the eerily haunting Têtes (2014), a dream - like, spiritual grouping of horse heads inspired by a visit to the Chauvet cave in southern France, and the stark white yet deeply moving Courant Central (2013), a heavily painted composition of pigment and vinyl on canvas that evokes an overpowering, heavy river current.
Marine Renewables Canada The country's wave, tidal, and river current energy association representing over 80 members.
Brilliant trout fishing days — the salmonfly spring, the calm beaver ponds of summer, the wood ducks flushing and wheeling overhead in autumn — stream by as surely as the river current
The growing city hopes to harvest 1.7 gigawatts of electricity from the river current of the Chang Jiang, as the Chinese call the third longest river on Earth.
It is important to know that children should only swim here under supervision due to the mixing ocean and river currents.
«According to witnesses, the river current was quite strong, creating instability for the boat,» he told The Jakarta Post on Friday.
The existing floating bridge is past its life expectancy and frequently requires repairs due to damage by bears, storms, and river current.
This small group half day tour will see you drift with the river current and snorkel in the cool refreshing waters of Mossman River.
Informed by Abstract Expressionism, Japanese aesthetics, and the Icelandic landscape, his art evokes the ephemeral quality of nature and memory — like the night ocean in Northern Sea, the fading tones in Echo, or the slow ebb of a river current in Drifting.
Informed by Abstract Expressionism, Japanese aesthetics, and the Icelandic landscape, Zurier's art evokes the ephemeral quality of nature and memory — like the night ocean in «Northern Sea,» the fading tones in «Echo,» or the slow ebb of a river current in «Drifting.»
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