Sentences with phrase «river habitat»

«There is still a lot of work to do to improve access to more historic river habitat for diadromous fish,» Nieland said.
Dr. Braulik added, «This important study shows that it is river habitat fragmentation by dams, and removal of river water for irrigation that has caused the massive range decline of the Indus River freshwater dolphin.
Silver and bighead carp can not spawn in lakes; instead, they must find their way into river habitat.
The vast magnificent savanna, forests, wooded savannas, and deep rivers habitats remain largely intact with potential for recovery of wildlife populations if urgent and robust conservation security measures are taken in this strategic area, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), ECOFAUNE + / AGRECO, and the Ministry of Environment of Central African Republic said in a report issued today.
Some lakes are home to hundreds of distinct species that evolved from a common ancestral species that left its ancient river habitat to colonise the lake.
The letter goes on to note that the trustees» options to restore river habitats could be hampered by the «concentration of PCB contamination that remains... in the river.»
In a major victory, we helped convince the state Public Service Commission to re-examine the need for a destructive desalination plant on Haverstraw Bay, a vital river habitat.
• Restore over 3.4 miles and reconnect 160 miles of high - quality river habitat.
He picked up this as yet unnamed member of the Amphiglossus genus from a river habitat so remote that no known westerner had ever been there before.
The area is a cultural hub opening up the rivers habitat for residents and tourists, the main attractions are the public art gallery, cultural centre, swimming lagoons and cafe.
These days the park protects 131 mammal species that include howler monkeys, sloths, spider monkeys, coatis, and others, plus 135 species of reptiles, including the deadly fer - de-lance viper, along with their rainforest and river habitats.
«The river habitat, its shoreline and our waterfront communities are put at risk every day by the transport of Bakken crude.
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