Sentences with phrase «roadside alcohol screening»

He failed the roadside alcohol screening test...

Not exact matches

Evidence shows that the most effective policies to reduce alcohol harms, including harms to others, are: - Raising the price of the cheapest alcohol, through taxation and minimum unit pricing - Regulating the density of outlets that can serve alcohol and restricting the permitted hours of sale - drink driving laws, including a lower legal blood alcohol limit and random roadside breath tests - Screening and brief advice for people who are at risk of drinking to a level that is harmful to themselves and others However, the most effective approach is a comprehensive, multi-sectorial set of measures that work together to reduce levels of harmful drinking.
The public therefore accepts the use of breath samples both for roadside screening and ultimately for the determination of blood alcohol levels.
A combination of roadside screening, subsequent breath samples and expert extrapolation suggested that she was well above the legal limit for alcohol consumption at the time of the accident.
He didn't administer a roadside alcohol - screening device and ultimately chose to forgo the breath test at the station.
Although he denied consuming any alcohol, the police officer detected an odour of liquor from Client's breath and administered a roadside screening test (also known an Approved Screening Device, or «ASD») and arrested the Client for driving with a blood alcohol content (or «BAC») of over 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters screening test (also known an Approved Screening Device, or «ASD») and arrested the Client for driving with a blood alcohol content (or «BAC») of over 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters Screening Device, or «ASD») and arrested the Client for driving with a blood alcohol content (or «BAC») of over 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood.
Roadside license suspensions for drivers who get a «warn» on a roadside screening test, or whose breath test shows a blood alcohol level between.05 and.08 (50 to 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood) are: • 7 days for a first suspension within 10 years; • 15 days for a second suspension within 10 years; • 30 days for a third or subsequent suspension within 1Roadside license suspensions for drivers who get a «warn» on a roadside screening test, or whose breath test shows a blood alcohol level between.05 and.08 (50 to 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood) are: • 7 days for a first suspension within 10 years; • 15 days for a second suspension within 10 years; • 30 days for a third or subsequent suspension within 1roadside screening test, or whose breath test shows a blood alcohol level between.05 and.08 (50 to 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood) are: • 7 days for a first suspension within 10 years; • 15 days for a second suspension within 10 years; • 30 days for a third or subsequent suspension within 10 years.
Currently she and other MADD advocates regularly lobby MPs to put in place such proven deterrents to impaired driving as mandatory post-crash alcohol testing / drug screening for all drivers involved in serious traffic crashes; and random testing, which entails roadside breath - screening with every passing driver being breathalysed rather than only those who appear impaired.
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