Sentences with phrase «robot character»

The light grey sweater is a fun piece with a colorful robot character front and center.
Perhaps, though, the most human beat in the movie belongs to one of the giant robot characters — betrayal being a very human act.
This is especially true in the hovering, anthropomorphic robot character of V.I.N.CENT (voiced by Roddy McDowall, Circle of Iron), who looks like he came right out of «South Park», as well as his newly - found companion, Bob (voiced by Slim Pickens, 1941), who sports his cowboy accent for no apparent reason save that it ups his «cuteness» factor.
Although he might not be the most iconic Nintendo hero, this friendly robot character recently made appearances in Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros..
(In fact, the key robot characters were actually constructed as animatronic «puppets» standing eight feet tall.
Worse, there seems to be a direct relationship into how interested Bay is in any given robot character and how annoying they are.
This makes the casting of African - Americans Smith and McBride sort of interesting, and it makes the dynamic between the robots and their evil Bill Gates - inspired manufacturer (Bruce Greenwood) sort of interesting, but it doesn't really do all that much to explain why the main robot character is pasty white with blue eyes — except that it makes for a more striking tableau when it and Smith shake hands in slow motion, of course.
Contrary to what some believe, binary option robots are not like some Star Wars robot character that was programmed to be good at binary options trading too.
In Bot Colony you will communicate with the game's robot characters using your own words instead of pre-arranged dialogue.
Developed with Oxeye Game Studio, it's a co-op 2D platform shooter, with acrobatic robot characters.
It is an open world full of strange floating islands to explore with your child - like robot character, all in an environment with a beautiful,... more»
More advanced users will also be able to code commands directly in Javascript, without the friendly robot character.
Iger is credited with discovering Boulder, Colo. - based Sphero, which is responsible for the robot character's movement.
In the 1950s a robot character named AstroBoy captivated audiences in Japan, and he is still an icon there today.
Take the robot character played by Quaid (and the maid robot character).
As with previous games in the series, the world is quirky with a memorable cast of robot characters.
Human and robot characters are injured and killed.
After you're done assembling the robot suit, which shouldn't take you long, take part in robot oriented games on the screen, where every move you make will be performed by the robot character in the game as well.
I was enthralled by half - cyborg, half - robot characters and how Michael Jordon was a traitor in the game world.
I've read people comparing that to Robo Recall, and I can understand that this is done because of the quite similar gameplay mechanics, the robot characters and the way your hits impact them, and the game's relatively high price tag.
Perhaps McDonough is a robot character escaped from an Asimov book.
The console featured a robot character Socrates, named after the philosopher.
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