Sentences with phrase «robot lawyers like»

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That sort of non-legal approach to legal problems leads to radical start - ups like DoNotPay, which describes itself as the world's first robot lawyer.
Headlines like «robot lawyers taking your jobs» might make for good clickbait, but you don't have to dig too deep to realize that A.I. is not going away.
But lawyers aren't robots, so don't act like one.
Oscar Strawczynski of Feldman Lawyers in Toronto looks to a brave new world: «Oudin and Wood: It's case law like this that makes me think we are not going to be replaced by the robots soon; at least as litigators.
I think that some lawyers assume that they have to be super aggressive and the more they try to batter the other side with words, the more successful they are going to be and I — this has always surprised me because if you put a robot and you sit on the bench and you read the brief that you just wrote, you wouldn't like people talking to you like that.
Sometimes it looks like lawyers will stay safe from the coming robot uprising, but other times it looks like attorneys will get eaten by Skynet like everyone else.
His hacked - together robot lawyer works by guiding users through a series of questions, like whether or not parking signs were clearly visible when they parked, as part of the appeals process.
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