Sentences with phrase «robot technologies developed»

This body of work also marks a new phase in Furnas's ongoing experimentations with process and technique, as the paintings are being created in part through new robot technologies developed to his specifications.

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A small company in Waterloo, Ont., could be developing the future of surveillance technology — a quiet, lightweight flying robot called the Scout.
Cheaper hardware and emerging technologies have enabled manufacturers and companies to develop robots faster than ever.
Zelinsky began developing the technology in 1996 to allow people with disabilities to instruct robots by using head gestures and eye movements.
The orange 320 - pound (145 kg) robots, which scoot around the floor on wheels, show how Amazon has adopted technology developed by Kiva Systems, a robotics company it bought for $ 775 million in 2012.
But before we think about taxing robots and AI, we need to get the basics of the self - learning technology right, and develop comprehensive ethical standards that hold up for the long term.
Attendees pose with Sophia, a robot integrating the latest technologies and artificial intelligence developed by Hanson Robotics during a presentation at the «AI for Good» Global Summit in June 2017.
Cindicator: Develops trading robots and algorithms for hedge funds and institutional investors using unique technology with hybrid intelligence.
Toyota announced today that it's establishing a new company, the Toyota Research Institute (TRI), to develop AI technologies in two main areas: autonomous cars and robot helpers for around the home.
A team of scientists at New Jersey Institute of Technology's Swarm Lab have developed tiny robots called Alice to help them understand the behavior of ant colonies.
At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, engineer Ross Knepper and his colleagues are developing robots that can help a volunteer assemble IKEA furniture.
The latest XPrize competition wants to develop technology that lets anyone control a robot and carry out tasks from 100 kilometres away
«Every robot needed differs according to its purpose and the damage,» says Tomohisa Ito, a spokesperson for the International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning in Tokyo, a consortium of nuclear plant companies that aims to develop new technologies for cleaning up the Fukushima plant.
So Ocado and the technology company Cambridge Consultants have developed an entirely new wireless system that can communicate with each robot up to 10 times a second and could scale to even larger operations.The new system uses 4G telecoms technology and broadcasts in the same 5 GHz part of the radio spectrum used by Wi - Fi.
This is where the Internet of Things (IoT) can come to the rescue: using IoT technology, Fraunhofer IAO is developing an intelligent robot vacuum cleaner concept for smart offices.
A handful of other robotics researchers — including those at Japan's Kyoto Institute of Technology — have over the past decade been developing quadruped robots, but none appear to have BigDog's high levels of adaptability, balance and perseverance nor LittleDog's intelligence and awareness.
Meanwhile, new technologies allow engineers to dream beyond designing glorified mechanical arms: So - called «swarm bots» work together like army ants to move relatively heavy objects; a fire hose — cum - snake robot can slither across the floor before putting out a blaze; and Nissan is developing an avoidance system to prevent car crashes based on bees — which use their compound eyes to see nearly all the way around themselves while buzzing about, changing direction when they sense something in their path.
The Newcastle University team will now continue the research examining the algorithms used for depth perception in insects to better understand how human vision evolved and to develop new ways of adding 3D technology to computers and robots.
As part of the EU's CATCH project, the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK is developing and testing a dual - arm robot for the automated harvesting of cucumbers.
The IPK project experts are tasked with developing three gripper prototypes: a gripper based on vacuum technology, a set of bionic gripper jaws (Fin Ray ®) and a customized «cucumber hand» based on OpenBionics robot hands.
UC Berkeley researchers have developed a robotic learning technology that enables robots to imagine the future of their actions so they can figure out how to manipulate objects they have never encountered before.
University of California, Berkeley, researchers have developed a robotic learning technology that enables robots to imagine the future of their actions so they can figure out how to manipulate objects they have never encountered before.
So Ocado and the technology company Cambridge Consultants have developed an entirely new wireless system that can communicate with each robot up to 10 times a second and could scale to even larger operations.
RHex moves much like a similar, four - legged robot developed a few years ago by a team of Georgia Institute of Technology, Northwestern University, and University of Pennsylvania researchers.
The company, which launched earlier this year, is developing rubbery robots for use in surgery and other biomedical applications, commercializing technology created at Harvard University's Whitesides Research Group.
While some recycling facilities are working to develop new technologies to sift through waste (recycling robots, anyone?)
How one primary school is using a humanoid robot in the classroom to develop digital technology skills, including evaluating and problem solving.
All My Love All My Love (2015) reflects on artificial surrogates or «technologies of love,» from the cloth and wire «mothers» that American psychologist Harry Harlow gave to baby monkeys in his famous studies on attachment in the 1950s to a dancing female robot recently developed in Japan.
Over the years there have been several technologies developed to tackle the issue of coral reef destruction, like robots that repair coral reefs after being impacted by trawling, but this one is one of the few specifically addressing coral bleaching.
A scientist on a distant world discovers a new technology that leads to a war of complete destruction; stricken by guilt and seeking to right this wrong, he develops a race of robots with a core mission: «to serve and obey and guard men from harm.»
AI technologies that can recognize emotions or whether someone is lying are being developed, but we are a long way from robots that can understand and express emotions in the same manner that a human can.
A number of high - profile technology companies such as IBM, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Samsung and AT&T are developing novel AI algorithms at a breakneck speed, she notes, and many other technology companies are harnessing AI specifically to make their existing products better and more useable and intuitive: for example, self - driving cars, household robots and image recognition.
There was significant interest in guest speaker Ryan Gariepy, co-founder and chief technology officer at Clearpath Robotics, a Canadian company that issued a statement in August 2014 pledging not to develop or manufacture weaponized robots that remove humans from the loop.
Also known as fully autonomous weapons or «killer robots,» these weapons have not yet been developed, but technology is moving rapidly toward increasing autonomy.
cyber • Fund is an international blockchain company that analyzes, invests in and develops blockchain technologies they believe will grant individuals more free time to utilize their creative skills, and make the world a better place to live in with robots and an economy of robots.
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