Sentences with phrase «robust association»

Among the three insomnia symptoms, difficulty falling asleep appeared to have the strongest and most robust association with fatal injuries.
«These results are very exciting as they provide very robust associations with intelligence.
The most robust association was related to sudden cardiac death, which researchers found to be as much as 47 percent reduced in those who took this essential fatty acid — on a regular basis.
Methods One hundred five adolescents and their parents en - The disclosure of emotional information — typically assessed gaged in conversations about two challenging events, with in research studies through experimental laboratory writing parental contributions to the discussions coded for four scaf - paradigms — has demonstrated robust associations with health folding behaviors (reiterations, negations, move alongs, and (e.g., [1, 2]-RRB-.
Publication: Targeted plasma proteomics identifies a novel, robust association between cornulin and Swedish moist snuff.
As a result of this and other work, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change state that no robust association between changes in cosmic rays and cloudiness has been identified.»
«A robust association has been found in the literature between birth weight and outcomes during adulthood, such as health, educational attainment, and earnings.»
So far, GWAS efforts have reported 80 robust associations, largely involving common (MAF > 5 %) variants that have very small effects on disease risk.
«The most important message is that our study confirms the robust association between high sodium or salt intake and the risk of cardiovascular disease,» says Martin J. O'Donnell, PhD, a coauthor of the study and a stroke specialist at the National University of Ireland, in Galway.
Interestingly, researchers found a «robust association between decreasing serum cholesterol and increased risk of death.»
The policy with the most notable and robust association is a long school year — as long as 220 days in the charter schools.
From a small group of court counselors and judges, AFCC has grown to a robust association of more than 5,000 members representing more than a dozen disciplines in 24 countries.
The New York AFCC Chapter has grown to a robust association representing more than a dozen disciplines with members in 31 countries and 50 U.S. states.
Meta - analysis (Byrd and Manuck, 2013) indicates a robust association of the short and less - active allele (MAOA - uVNTR - S) with antisocial and criminal behavior among males exposed to adversity in childhood, signifying the need for broad - scale cG × E studies (Goldman and Rosser, 2014).
In sum, there is a robust association between emotion regulation difficulties and the development of psychopathology, particularly during the high - risk period of adolescence.
For instance, a robust association was identified between mothers who had experienced childhood physical abuse and records of maltreatment of their infants before the age of 26 months (Berlin et al. 2011).
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