Sentences with phrase «robust findings»

The finding that global temperatures are rising over the last century - plus is one of the most robust findings of climate science and statistics.
The most robust finding from the current studies relates to the effect of the framing manipulation.
These were robust findings in every sense of the word.
In fact, its most robust finding confirms the well - established relationship between obesity and diabetes risk.
Key uncertainties are those that, if reduced, could lead to new robust findings.
For me, the most exciting and robust finding of climate research to date is the determination of the ultimate cause of the great glacial cycles of the last 3 million years or so.
The effect on positive affect appeared to be the most robust finding.
That «remarkably robust finding» (as I am wont to say) of the three - times increase in mortality at home birth.....
«Whether you call it confirmation bias or motivated cognition, it is a pretty robust finding across many different studies.»
A very robust finding of hydrological impact studies is that warming leads to changes in the seasonality of river flows where much winter precipitation currently falls as snow (Barnett et al., 2005).
In yet another example of a strikingly robust finding, planned homebirth in NZ had more than triple the neonatal death rate of planned hospital birth.
What few robust findings there are often prove to be either nonreplicable or contradicted by later research.
Morrison called the work «a well designed study with robust findings
It is «an impressively robust finding,» says David Lazer, a political scientist at Harvard University, although «it begs a series of follow - up questions.»
Topic 6 summarises the major robust findings and remaining key uncertainties in this assessment.
Robust findings do not encompass all key findings of the AR4.
A review of over 50 empirical studies of coherence suggests robust findings of local bias in ASD, with mixed findings regarding weak global processing.
Robust findings also show that behaviorally inhibited children and those with anxiety disorders show a hyperactive amygdala response to threat [90, 93], and adolescents with internalizing disorders generally show greater activity in both the amygdala and PFC regions in response to emotionally - salient stimuli [94].
This is one of the most robust findings in social science, and also one of the most ignored.»
But this is a pretty robust finding, especially in the U.S.,» adds Cooke.
«Metabolomics is an exciting new field, and this exploratory study is rich in very robust findings,» says Niewczas.
For more on one of the most robust findings in the collection — the raised likelihood of events like the widespread heat wave in the United States in July 2012, watch this video chat led by an author of that study, Noah Diffenbaugh of Stanford University:
This finding needs to be further replicated but if it proves to be a robust finding it may have important implications for therapies for neurodevelopmental disorders.»
«Our robust findings... suggest that resisting a counter view or supporting one's own ideological viewpoint triggers deeper and more effortful information processing, leading to recall from memory of more thoughts and rationales and recognition of different dimensions of the issue,» said Erisen.
Thus, based on the robust findings from the current study and until proven otherwise, WBRT may still have an important role for treatment of patients who are not in this specific disease category (i.e., 1 - 3 brain metastases).
Furthermore, he doesn't acknowledge the relatively thin empirical basis for grit as compared to the decades - long, robust findings on cognitive control (also known as impulse control or delay of gratification, among other concepts).
As he explains; «probably the most robust finding to date from research on accountability policies is that the strongest initial predictors of the impact of policy on student performance are the attributes of schools rather than the attributes of the policies themselves.»
(p. 5) The evidence - base is clear and there is no shortage of robust findings.
The combined funding from Winn Feline and HABRI have enabled the PIs to expand the sample size and add the support of a statistician, which will greatly enhance the power of the study and hopefully result in more definitive and robust findings.
I've seen studies of this kind that have robust findings.
We present scientific evidence that any effect which reduces the slope of the vertical temperature profile within a stably stratified surface boundary layer will introduce a warm bias, while any process that increases the magnitude of the slope of the vertical temperature profile in a stably stratified surface boundary layer will introduce a cool bias, remains a robust finding based on boundary layer dynamics.»
It seems to be a robust finding
They recognize the robust findings that the Earth is warming, and that most of the change can be attributed to CO2 emissions.
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