Sentences with phrase «rodent chow»

Mice were weaned at 3 weeks, maintained on a 12 - hour light cycle, and had ad libitum access to water and a standard rodent chow diet (PicoLab Rodent Diet 20, 5053; LabDiet) or a high - fat diet (TD.88137; Harlan Teklad).
The other group received a choice between a cup of plain rodent chow and a cup of chow mixed with mineral oil, which also has no calories.
Typically, rodent chow diets contain only 4 % sucrose and < 0.5 % free fructose with most carbohydrate as both digestible starch and non-digestible Fiber from grain sources (i.e. wheat, corn, soy).
Rats were singly housed, fed rodent chow, given water ad libitum, and provided huts, bedding, chewable items, and cereal for enrichment.
5 % protein and 20 % fat were the minimum values the study tested, and in the case of fats, it wasn't because that's the minimum mice can do well on, as a standard rodent chow for longevity studies runs has 10 %.
For four weeks, the researchers fed mice either a grain - based rodent chow, a high - fat diet (high fat and low fiber content with 5 percent cellulose as a source of fiber) or a high - fat diet supplemented with fiber (either fermentable inulin fiber or insoluble cellulose fiber).
Diet: The natural diet consists of seeds and plant materials, however as pets, hamsters do very well on a pelleted diet or rodent chow formulated for rats and mice.
Feed them only guinea pig pellets (not regular rodent chow), which are supplemented with vitamin C. Keep in mind that vitamin C starts to disappear within 90 days of milling, so keep a fresh supply on hand.
All of the pet rodents must be fed a good, high quality rodent chow (nutritionally balanced pelleted food) available at pet stores.
One group of mice had a choice between a cup of plain rodent chow and a cup of chow mixed with the noncaloric sweetener sucralose.
The rats were fed junk food consisting of cheese, chocolate bars, biscuits and marshmallows for 8 weeks, or a rodent chow high in fat (containing 60 %) for 5 weeks.
In my 2011 Wise Traditions article, «Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Silent Epidemic of Nutritional Imbalance,» I noted that, when investigators add different types of fat to an otherwise standard rodent chow, saturated fats are more likely to accumulate in the liver than polyunsaturated fats.
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