Sentences with phrase «rodent ulcers»

One of my cats is on this food for recurring rodent ulcers, so it's vital that I have it available.
Indolent ulcers, misleadingly nicknamed rodent ulcers, most often occur on the inside of the upper lips.
We've had problems with her getting rodent ulcers around her mouth due to allergies.
At that time it was called Rodent Ulcer and farmers believed that their cats got it from eating rats and mice.
Cats with rodent ulcers have an erosion on the margin of their upper lip.
In addition to the classic «rodent ulcers» that commonly occur along the mucocutaneous junction of the upper lip (Figure 3), cats can show other manifestations of eosinophilic disease of the lips, including a non-ulcerated, swollen rostral lower lip and chin (Figure 4).
They are both allergic to most cat foods (eosinophilic granuloma - rodent ulcers).
We are seeing an over abundance of oral tumors (Squamous Cell Carcinoma), stomatitis (mouth inflammation), Rodent Ulcers, and FORL's (Feline Odontoclastic Resorptive Lesions) being reported in cats.
It goes by various names: Rodent Ulcer, Lick Ulcer, Eosinophilic Granuloma disease, Eosinophilic Complex.
«Rodent Ulcers», otherwise known as indolent ulcers, are eosinophilic granulomas or a solid grouping of inflammatory cells coming together in a lump or solid structure.
Rodent Ulcers «Rodent Ulcers», otherwise known as indolent ulcers, are eosinophilic granulomas or a solid grouping of inflammatory cells coming together in a lump or solid structure.
However, other conditions can cause similar - appearing lesions, including skin mites, ringworm, yeast infection, or auto - immune diseases such as eosinophilic granuloma complex («rodent ulcers»).
This mysterious disease of cats goes by many names: rodent ulcer, lick ulcer, eosinophilic granuloma disease, eosinophilic complex etc., and despite the tremendous progress that has been made in veterinary medicine, why it occurs remains an enigma.
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