Sentences with phrase «role as a side effect»

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Kontos adds that a greater role for aspirin would be welcomed by many at - risk patients, as current drugs aimed at reducing risk, such as tamoxifen and raloxifene, have significant side effects and do not prevent ER - negative breast cancer.
For most available T cell immunotherapies, T cells (which play a central role in defending the body against illness) are engineered to recognize and eliminate tumors, but their activity is not specifically controlled, leading to toxicity and unwanted side effects in patients as a result of inflammation or in some cases suboptimal response to treatment.
GSK3β, the first neighbour of β - catenin is a central, highly multi-functional protein known as a key protein difficult to inhibit without causing side effects and toxicity.41 In glioblastoma and NSCLC cancer, previous studies found that the decreased level of FRAT1 influences the GSK3β activity to phosphorylate β - catenin and by that, inhibit the WNT pathway.39, 40 The role of FRAT1 in colon cancer is less known but based on its function in other cancer types and its special influencing position in colon cancer signalling, we point out its relevance as a potential target in colon cancer therapy (Fig. 3d).
I figured as I got stronger and no bigger though, if it didn't play a role, it was at least a side effect of whatever did, cause I barely got one.
Guts and Bolts requires systems thinking and problem solving, and, as a side effect, develops an understanding of the role of various fluids inside the body.
Just like the ever - growing list of disorders, it is known to treat in humans, acupuncture also plays a big role in combating some of the side effects that sprout as a result of cancer cells in a dog's body.
Since its opening in March, the exhibition has been widely heralded for its «political charge» (see for example reviews by Peter Schjeldahl in The New Yorker and Jerry Saltz in New York Magazine), for its impressive diversity of artists included (though I wish this still was not so rare as to be newsworthy), and the controversies surrounding Jordan Wolfson's ultra-graphic Real violence (2017) and of course the Dana Schutz's painting of Emmett Till, Open Casket (2016), which not only raised highly problematic issues around race and its representation in contemporary American art, censorship, and quite interestingly to me at least, the role of abstraction, also had the unfortunate side effect of overshadowing so many stronger inclusions in this year's iteration.
There are those on one side who see unintended consequences of probable government attempts at mitigation for AGW, given the current dominating political philosophies, as something worse than even some rather severe effects from AGW, and those on the other hand that see a major role for government in these areas that mitigation would encompass no matter what the future may hold for AGW.
Some of it has happened sort of independently of what the lawyers have actually been doing, and more having to do with how Google's getting smarter, and when we talk about specifically in local search, that's definitely played a big role, that Google has evolved to give much more localized and personalized results than they used to, and that's caused the effect of people in your local area being able to find local lawyers, as opposed to if you wrote about a consumer law post and somebody on the other side of the country finds it, now you're going to see Google serving results for consumer lawyers that are in the neighborhood, around the corner.
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