Sentences with phrase «role groups»

Major strategies were to establish new communication channels among role groups and to bring students and teachers together in curriculum development and other joint ventures.
The toolkit also offers specific action strategies for various role groups, including community members, teachers, principals, district officials, and policymakers.
This type of assigned - role group exercise is designed to assess how good you are at this.
Very early career history can be omitted if irrelevant or roles grouped together, if you have a long career history.
The IRS doesn't comment on individual groups but is expected to give more scrutiny to politicking social - welfare nonprofits this year, considering the major role the groups are expected to play in the election.
CAFCASS acknowledges the important role groups like Fathers 4 Justice, Families Need Fathers, the Association for Shared Parenting and Fathers Direct play in bringing the distress felt by men in private law proceedings to the attention of the wider public and into the political arena.
Christine Goff (Chris to friends), has been writing fiction since 1984, joined RMFW in 1988, and has played several key roles our group.
The findings could shed light on the role group singing played in ancient human societies, and they suggest ways to encourage group bonding today.
Scroll below the header picture and click on your role group to find the catalog listings most appropriate to your position within your charter school system.
Can you tell me about the roles your group mates and you have?Student should cite their specific contributions to the task / goal of collaboration.
The role group therapists can play collaborating with psychiatrists.
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