Sentences with phrase «role of host»

Knowing emergency and crisis management skills is an important extension of the most basic roles of a host or hostess — customer service and communicating between the kitchen, serving staff, and customers.
Sergio is too good to check out and not be competitive here, although you'd forgive him if that happened as he plays the role of host champion and new father.
Arsenal are first up for Sir Alex and his charges, with the Gunners playing the role of hosts on 1 May.
The Role of the Host Planning a baby shower can make one's head reel.
«We also need to establish the role of the host epidermal cells that the dermal papilla cells interact with, to make the new structures.»
In addition, he and his team are using their CRISPR / Cas9 DNA - editing platform to study the effects of deleting other potential malaria host - factor genes and to learn more about the roles of these host factors in mosquitoes.
When considering gastric cancer, another H pylori - induced global killer, the necessity for understanding the pathogenesis of the infection and the role of host genetics in susceptibility is even greater.
But the role of each host species, including mice, chipmunks, and squirrels, in sustaining tick populations and infecting them with strains of bacteria that cause disease in humans is still unclear.
For example, we are continuing to generate the base of evidence needed to empower science based control of the spread of rabies within vampire bats in Latin America, but also exploring fundamental questions about cross-species transmission and the role of host and pathogen genomics in studying disease ecology».
The Abdel - Mohsen laboratory investigates the role of host - virus interactions in persistence and immunopathogenesis of HIV infection by combining virological, glycobiological, and immune - based basic and translational research.
Abdel - Mohsen's research focuses on investigating the role of host glycosylation machinery in viral persistence and immunopathogenesis.
Kala - zar in the Sudan, The role of Host and parasite genetics in in determining Disease outcome, (The Wellcome trust Collaborative Research Grant (Principal applicant) 1999 - 2002.
Liza Koshy steps into the role of host for this new version of Double Dare.
Sol has a lot to say, and even took up the role of host again, with co-hosts SpiderStaryu and Dark Boo in the episode with him!
It's a unique chance to get to learn more about what happens behind - the - scenes, and an inside look into the roles of the hosts (plus, a special thank you to Eclipse Magazine and Michelle Alexandria!)
During his PhD under the supervision of Drs. Luis Enjuanes and Fernando Almazan at the National Centre of Biotecnology (Madrid, Spain), he studied the mechanism of replication and transcription of coronavirus and the role of host factors that modulate these processes.
Roleplaying games, also known as RPG games, let you jump in the sorcerer's seat and drive the action as you assume the role of a host of characters in fictional settings.
But the following day, the Giant Spoon team put me into the actual show, offering me the opportunity to take on the role of a host.
The role of a host / hostess is the make your guests feel welcome and comfortable.
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