Sentences with phrase «role of the instructor»

Topics include infrastructure, new roles of the instructor and learner, universal web accessibility, indigenous peoples and technology, and more.
In it, teachers have a three - pronged role of instructor, advisor, and chief architects of our program & learning models.
Invite your employees to step into the role of instructor for a day.
In this session, you will become acquainted with the course site and the role of instructors, coaches, and learners in this course.
In fact, in many cases the role of instructor can be assumed by a community of experts.
Bernard Bull said, «In order to create an engaging learning experience, the role of instructor is optional, but the role of learner is essential.»
Other projects examine the effects of financial aid; the impact of postsecondary remediation; and the role of instructor quality, class size, and support programs on college outcomes.
They step into the role of instructor and have the opportunity to improve their own understanding.
Some courses even replaced the role of instructors, and more and more learning institutions adopted elearning platforms.
But by focusing on design, the role of instructors, and of students, we can begin to create courses that focus on what we know works best for teaching and learning.
The role of the instructor is to bridge the gap between what's already known and what is about to be learned.
Each student should have the opportunity to take their learning and correlate it to existing knowledge, it is the role of the instructor to know the student's existing knowledge and to identify which students need additional guidance or less guidance and continually reflect based on the effectiveness of the delivered instruction.
First, it has transformed the role of the instructor from a purveyor of knowledge to a collaborator in the creation of knowledge.
The role of the instructor is to encourage critical reflection with thought - provoking questions.
This approach takes summarization one step further by asking online learners to play the role of instructor.
This shifts the role of the instructor from delivering a lecture to supporting and coaching learners as they practice new skills.
The role of instructor is absorbed, i.e in future we can expect one teacher to a million students cohort, the instructor will never know you personally.
For classroom sessions, the trainer plays the role of instructor, organizer and facilitator.
Teachers must increasingly assume the roles of facilitator and coach, because the role of instructor is easily replicated with online videos and step - by - step tutorials that students can access anytime and anywhere.
Another way of engagement is a «Teach - Back» activity where the learner dons the role of the instructor to explain certain topics or procedures — to virtual or actual fellow learners.
Sales / Marketing Designer (Graphic / Movie) Customer services (We don't accept the role of Instructors or... Continue reading Our Internship program
Don't discount teaching as an excellent learning opportunity — moving into the role of instructor forces you to codify and consolidate what you already know about a topic.
The role of the instructor of medical assistant program will also include designing course work and activities that make learning more effective and easier for students.
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