Sentences with phrase «role stress»

Real estate agents operate in an industry that has cyclical highs and lows where pay is driven by commissions, thus role stress can be quite high.
Three veterinarians at Autonomous University in Barcelona, Spain (yes, there really is such a place) have recognized the significant role stress plays in the lives of pet cats.
Similarly, our research confirmed that higher levels of salesperson EI reduced the negative effects of role stress on customer - oriented selling and on interactional sales performance.
The wide range of topics discussed includes: anxiety, child abuse, divorce and children, eating disorders, female assertiveness, gender role stress, learning abilities, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorders, problem behavior, sexual harassment, sleep disorders, unemployment and mental health, and weight loss maintenance.
It will also be useful to assess this scale in the larger Chinese cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, where work and family role stress may be more salient, and which would certainly provide adequate comparison with other capital cities worldwide.
Salespeople with greater EI are better equipped to deal with role stress and reduce negative emotional responses that can overwhelm salespeople with lower EI.
This study confirmed that higher levels of EI reduce the negative effects that role stress plays on salesperson emotional exhaustion.
Her work focuses on the role stress and depression play in smoking behaviors for both men and women.
Yet given the role stress can play in becoming pregnant, it makes sense that psychological treatments may also be an effective way to enhance fertility.
To investigate sex differences in the role stress plays in alcohol abuse, the researchers first trained male and female rats to press a lever, which would then administer alcohol simultaneously paired with an audiovisual cue.
Heart disease remains a leading killer in America, but consider the progress: the routine nature of lifesaving surgeries, the rise of cholesterol - controlling drugs, and the ever - deeper understanding of the roles stress, diet, and exercise play in maintaining a healthy heart.
More and more research shows that the role stress plays in your life truly impacts your overall health.
The role stress plays in how good you feel and the risk of developing chronic health problems is often underplayed.
Because role stress is ever present in the demanding profession of real estate sales, our research affords real estate agents the opportunity to understand and manage the effect that role stress plays on the key outcomes of emotional exhaustion, customer - oriented selling, and interactional sales performance, which in turn have moderating effects on the agents» sales performances.
Therefore, understanding the effects that role stress plays on sales performance, and the moderation effects that EI has on emotional exhaustion, customer - oriented selling, and interactional sales performance can allow real estate agents to better manage that role stress and ultimately limit the effect that role stress has on sales performance.
Salespeople with greater EI can better manage, and reduce short - term negative emotional responses to role stress that otherwise would lead to long - term emotional exhaustion.
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