Sentences with phrase «romantic entanglements as»

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The Duplass brothers are onboard as producers, and their influence is clearly felt in that it's entirely concerned with the romantic entanglements and issues of a young married couple.
As the children grow, the woman struggles to keep owner show of her home and keep an eye on the romantic entanglements of her daughters.
Jack needs it too as he heads straight into a romantic entanglement with Sally's best friend Monica (Ellen Page).
As the movie progresses, the women keep reading the popular trilogy, beginning new romantic entanglements along the way.
It's a subtle drama showing how sexual and romantic entanglements are sometimes never fully divorced from, and how the politics of the situation among people who must share quarters with those feelings can cause a host of snarls to become more knotted as they cut one another with their words and deeds, sometimes out of anger or jealousy, and sometimes just for one's own amusment.
DeWitt, though, is the best of the three, turning her vegan lesbian into more than what could have been a gaggle of tropes and cliches, making it clear that her sisterly relationship is just as important as any romantic entanglement.
In an impressive dramatic performance, Bill Hader stars as Milo, an actor who attempts suicide by slitting his wrists after the latest in a series of disastrous romantic entanglements ends.
The filmmakers locate the proper channels of bewilderment early on, and as more romantic entanglements are introduced while Henry and Clare get to know each other, Wife boils away the concern to reveal a smooth, glassy surface of moony romanticism.
My current project has a male and two females as the primary protagonists, all of whom end up friends but with no romantic entanglements added.
Each have their own romantic entanglements, but the female friendships are explored as well.
Long overshadowed by the complexity of her family life and romantic entanglements, the editors assess Bell in the context of her relationship with sister, Virginia Woolf, and as muse and confidant to Roger Fry and Duncan Grant but ultimately present an intrepid artist deserving of fresh consideration.
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