Sentences with phrase «romantic role of the artist»

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One of the recurrent themes of his work is a sharp analysis of the role of the artist in cultural life: he described himself as a «salesman», presenting a version of himself that was far from the romantic clichés: that is, as a person able to find his own space within the system and to establish profitable relationships.
Kline's identification with Nijinsky, the virtuoso ballet dancer whose life, like his role as the clown - puppet in the ballet Petrushka, proved tragic, demonstrates Kline's belief in the nineteenth - century romantic metaphor of the artist as clown, who is cruelly condemned, despite his talents, to loneliness, neglect, alienation and oblivion.37
Deeply engaged in the role of landscape in both art history and politics, most of the artist's large - scale projects start with the notion of «public land,» in both practical and romantic senses.
«Hide / Seek» considers such themes as the role of sexual difference in depicting modern America; how artists explored the fluidity of sexuality and gender; how major themes in modern art — especially abstraction — were influenced by social marginalization; and how art reflected society's evolving and changing attitudes toward sexuality, desire, and romantic attachment.
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