Sentences with phrase «roof over my daughter»

But I will do anything to keep a roof over my daughter's head, so I am open to suggestions.
The realism of the film is one of the factors that makes it so great as it uses long takes and what seems like guerrilla styled filming at times to paint a detailed picture of the hardships of simply trying to survive whether it be a child passing time by scamming money for ice cream or a young mum trying to keep a roof over her daughter's head.
I would rather pay every cent of the $ 90,000 in consumer debt that we once faced, than go through that, unless I had no other option to keep a roof over my daughter's head and food on our table.

Not exact matches

«I feel really blessed that we have had all the success we've had, and that pretty much every door will be open for my daughter, but seeing the challenges we face and then knowing it's much harder when you don't have the money you need, when you're worried about keeping a roof over your head or worried about whether you'll even have health insurance, and all these other issues.
SouthernCelt, yeah... just like every abusive father who defends his beating of his sons, and raping of his own daughters by him, by pointing out that he puts food on the table, and a roof over their heads, and clothes on their backs, so they should be grateful and take their beatings and rapings with grace and praise him publicly, for the «good» he does for them.
At times, the film is so raw and real that one wants to pause and call Child Protective Services, however, there is even empathy for trashy, tattooed mom Halley (Bria Vinaite) who might smoke in front of impressionable daughter Moonee (Brooklyn Kimberly Prince), among other awful things, but will do anything to keep a roof over her head and food in her stomach.
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