Sentences with phrase «room full of strangers»

Ok, so try being splayed - out, sweaty and inflexible in front of room full of strangers AND being the only guy in the room AND worried that your... umm...» bits and pieces» could be on full display at any time during the next tri-dog or shoulderstand.
I have entered rooms full of strangers without strategizing an exit plan as I walked in the door.
Because of my undeniable love for personal style and my passion for helping women develop their sense of style, and for them to feel great about walking out the door every morning, entering a crowded room full of strangers or simply having tea with a girlfriend, I knew I had to take it a step further.
Movies, best seen in a big dark room full of strangers, are uniquely suited for creating and sustaining a sense of captivating mystery, and few films have done it better this year than Midnight Special, the latest from writer - director Jeff Nichols (Take Shelter, Mud).
The thought of standing up in front of a room full of strangers shouldn't intimidate you, but it does.
They know they have to do it, but the prospect of standing around in a room full of strangers, feeling awkward and making small talk, is a nightmare.
For many scientists, the thought of stepping into a room full of strangers and striking up forced, superficial conversations over wine and cheese cubes feels icky and can produce anxiety.
You made the decision to step onto your mat in a room full of strangers, and that's no an easy task.
Networking events: It's nerve - wracking to enter to a room full of strangers to chat about business and, hopefully, make connections.
This person, oh, I'll call her... «Petunia», really wants to go down the yoga rabbit hole so to speak, but she's intimidated by thought of being splayed - out, sweaty and inflexible in front of a room full of strangers, uncertain as to what asana to do next, or if she'd even be ABLE to do whatever asana comes next.
That's right, now you can pay for 15 - minute stretching exercise followed by a 45 - minute nap in an «ideal temperature» room full of strangers, and still call it «going to the gym.»
I'm not the greatest dancer at the best of times so I'm pretty reluctant to be shaking my booty in front of a room full of strangers — I'm usually happy on a treadmill or crosstrainer with nothing but my headphones for company.
When you first walk into your YTT training, you will look around and see a room full of strangers.
As a yoga «virgin,» starting my journey with a room full of strangers was not for me — no thank you!
The thought of doing high intensity interval training while sweating in a room full of strangers petrified me.
The idea of being naked in a room full of strangers just isn't for me.
I spend ten excruciating minutes listening to a poem describe him losing his virginity to me in great detail to a room full of strangers.
Restaurants are chock - full of loved up couples, gazing into each other's eyes, kissing over dessert, or awkwardly proposing in front of a room full of strangers.
I was in awe of how many voluntarily shared their passions with a room full of strangers, and wondered how many will go on to pursue these passions, not letting fear of failure or society's notions hold them back.
«Here was a natural politician — a man who, on entering a room full of strangers, would, after a few hours, have persuaded some, charmed and amused others, and frightened still more, so that by the end of the day, he would have over 50 percent of their votes.»
To be allowed to recognize the men and women who keep our country safe and free, and to bring unison to a room full of strangers, even if only for a brief moment in time is always an honor.
Testifying in court, sitting in front of a judge with a room full of strangers, is not something anyone chooses to do — it's scary and anxiety levels can be very high.
Do you value your privacy and a good night's sleep, or can you hack it with a loud snorer and sometimes a room full of strange characters?
The first 10 minutes were brutal, as is to be expected when you walk into a room full of strangers, but I survived and I even made a few new friends by the end of the evening.
It's our very first live episode, and we figure we may as well make it as terrifying as possible by doing it in front of a room full of strangers.
It's weird to be in a room full of strangers and silence.
But how comfortable are you when attending a conference with a room full of strangers.
You may not like being in a room full of strangers, but remember, partnership isn't all about you.
Acting gives you the skills you need to walk into a room full of strangers and put on a confident persona.
Unlike a classroom course, where you'd take a test in a room full of strangers, our Galveston County defensive driving course has no final exam!
The prospect of milling about in a room full of strangers wearing a stiff smile, handing out hastily - printed business cards while pressing the flesh, is what makes networking nerve - wracking to many.
Walking into a room full of strangers can be overwhelming to say the least.
To walk into a room full of strangers, present yourself in a confident manner and quickly find relatable topics of conversation to build relationships is no easy task.
Cover Letter Writing Imagine walking into a room full of strangers and striking up a conversation — without introducing yourself and beginning in the middle of the story you wish to convey.
Having not been apart from my family or community for any length of time during our life in Laos and throughout our time in the Thai refugee camps, I was suddenly thrust into a room full of strangers who neither looked nor talked like me, and expected to follow a set of classroom protocols that I couldn't read nor comprehend.
I was married to Martin Wesley Muhammad at the Justice of the Peace in a room full of strangers in a mass wedding.
Isn't there some way you can start to build a new life after divorce that doesn't involve pretending to have fun in a room full of strangers or spending hours sifting through online dating profiles of people you have no real desire to meet?
A lot of pressure comes with entering a room full of strangers and having the guts to walk up to someone and introduce yourself.
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