Sentences with phrase «room full of students»

That college student is now a middle school math teacher with her own room full of students, and I believe wholeheartedly in the importance of fostering student voice in my classroom.
Johnny can be witnessed by a whole room full of students saying they all saw him toss scissors in the air, and if he denies it, not much can be done.
On the way, he passes a room full of students lined against the wall inside their classroom, in Room 1237, just feet from him.
After assessing a room full of students, researchers are able to identify five categories of what they call «peer statuses.»
Even though I feel a crushing anxiety whenever the phone rings, or when I cross the street to avoid small talk with a stranger, and even though I'm the one huddled in a corner having a meaningful conversation with someone while everyone else is mingling at a party, I can still confidently give a talk to a room full of students like I've been doing it all my life.
Some people can't learn what we learn,» Professor Duboise tells a room full of students who are already well versed in the rhetoric of Black Power.
Left alone in a room full of students, plagued by self - doubts and unanswered questions, many young teachers quit in frustration after only a year or two.
After losing patience, we've become a bit snappy with a room full of students or raised our voices a level or two higher than we should have.
(I have even ended this with a room full of students quacking) Its a fun way to point out an important message.
The incentive is not strong enough to override all the tendencies toward goofing off in a room full of students.
You have a room full of students and you want them to walk out of the room enthused and full of the key facts from your lecture that you spent all weekend preparing.
A room full of students can trigger the fight - flight reflex quite often during a school day.
Imagine that you are standing in a room full of students — just like you when you started your personalized learning journey.
«The time to shift from the traditional model of a lone teacher lecturing a room full of students has passed,» said NASBE Executive Director Brenda Welburn.
Each classroom participating in Summit Learning must have sufficient bandwidth to support a room full of students using the platform at the same time.
A typical classroom might feature a teacher standing in front of rows of desks, giving one lecture to a room full of students.
i had never sat in on the Indie Games Summit because i mistakenly thought it would be a room full of students sharing tips on where to find cracked copies of Maya.
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