Sentences with phrase «root error he saw»

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Many see in atheism only an error, the most dangerous error in history; they find its roots in moral deviation, and their prime concern is to proclaim its condemnation.
Credit rating agencies like Experian are preparing proposals which could see them tasked with rooting out benefit fraudsters, as part of a wider government drive to reduce the annual # 5.2 billion cost of fraud and error in the benefits system.
Seeing how the grammatical errors made by these particular students are often rooted in the logic of their native languages and how a teacher who understands something about that logic and that culture can sensitively respond in context - specific ways may lead teacher candidates to develop cognitive flexibility as they wonder what other patterns in student writing (and their own) are the result of where they grew up and how they can take that into account when writing feedback.
Juicy Excerpt: Silver's take was rooted in two realities: (1) three - point polling errors are common; (2) there was an unusually high number of undecided voters going into the election and that increases the chances for seeing a polling mis - prediction.
As you can see, we can't trust any individual data point to better than + / - 5 degs yet by taking the average of 100 data points the error drops by an order of magnitude to (The error falls as the square root of the number of data points) to give an accuracy of a fraction of a degree.
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