Sentences with phrase «rotate wrists»

In amazement I watch a young female swing smoothly from vine to vine, then grab two with wide - spread hands and feet, flatten her hips, rotate her wrists, and hang still as an orange kite snagged in the treetops.
Once you have the dumbbells raised to shoulder width, rotate your wrists forward so that the palms of your hands are facing away from you.
For more variety, you can rotate your wrists 90 degrees inward as you lift so that your palms are oriented toward each other at the top of the motion (neutral grip).
Then you can rotate your wrists back as you lower the weight so that they're in the starting position again (palms facing forward).
As you lower the kettlebells, simultaneously rotate your wrists inward, so your palms are facing each other.
Rotate your wrists forward so your palms are facing away from you.
Now you will have to rotate your wrists in such a way that the fingers are pointed towards each other.
Rotate the wrists so that your palms are facing each other.
Start with a neutral grip at the bottom position and rotate your wrists outward on the way up.
Raise the weights to shoulder height, then rotate your wrists so that the palms of your hands are facing forward and push the dumbbells upward, straightening your elbows.
Raise the dumbbels at shoulder width, then rotate your wrists forward so that the palms are facing away from you.
Rotate your wrists so that your palms are now facing forwards ahead of you and then push the dumbbells up into the air above your head, fully locking out your arms as you do so.
Bring the dumbbells in front of you at shoulder width, then rotate the wrists forward so that the palms are now facing away from you.
While keeping the arms extended, slowly lower the weights to the sides and rotate your wrists until the palms are facing each other.
Rotate your wrists forward so that the palms of your hands are facing away from you, then push the dumbbells up using your chest muscles until your arms are locked.
Rotate your wrists so that the palms of your hands are facing forward.
Extend your arms above you with a slight bend at the elbows and rotate the wrists so that the palms are facing you.
To grab their wings, the lizards must rotate their wrists forward about 90 degrees.
Your baby is bending his or her arms, rotating wrists and bending legs.
If you want to rotate your wrist, you can.
These are the kinds of unthinking thoughts he must make in every second of every game: how much weight to put on a foot, how fast to rotate his wrist as he releases a ball, and so on.
After completing all prescribed sets and reps with both hands, grasp the rope with your left hand again (thumb facing the machine, palm down) and perform the opposite motion by rotating the wrist outward until your palm faces up.
Perform alternating dumbbell curls in a supinated fashion, meaning that as the dumbbell comes to the top of the curl, you'll rotate your wrist outward.
The bicep is responsible for lifting the forearm toward the shoulders and rotating the wrist, and it consists of two heads: the long head which forms the outer portion of the muscle, and the short head which makes up the inner part of the bicep.
Jump rope: Do this with an actual jump rope or just mimic the movement by rotating your wrists.
Grab on to it by rotating your wrist and holding on to the outer edge of your foot.
If you'd like you can come to an advanced variation by rotating the wrist to grab the outside of your foot, then bending and bringing the arm up and around as you hold your foot.
Side Flexion — You can easily increase the side - to - side range of motion by rotating your wrists left and right.
Rotating the wrist, ankle, neck etc..
Tapping the display or rotating your wrist changes the screen to its active mode, in which you'll see additional animations, such as a second hand, or information such as remaining battery life and your steps for the day.

Not exact matches

By the way, when I taught my girls to wave, I taught them to do a «princess wave» with an open hand that rotates at the wrist.
Children with repetitive movements can be rocking back and forth, flap their hands, bounce on their toes, rotate their hands on the wrists, and many other repetitive behaviors.
Then, keeping the upper arms in place, rotate them until the wrists come directly above the elbows - Using the traps to pull the weight up and then the rotator cuff muscles to raise the weight over the shoulder, press the dumbbells by extending the elbows and straightening the arms overhead - Slowly return to the original position
That is, the plates should be able to rotate without torquing the bar, which can put a lot of strain on your wrists.
Flex and point feet, rotate ankles and wrists often.
As you lower them, instead of keeping your hands and wrists LOCKED, ROTATE your hands so that your THUMBS point TOWARD THE CEILING at the bottom of the movement.
If you can't bend the elbow AND the shoulder won't externally rotate, the wrist may take a beating.
The front of the wrist is pushed against the wall, as if trying to rotate the shoulder so the forearm would move towards the stomach.
Letting your elbows flare out to the sides causes your shoulders to rotate internally and your wrists to collapse.
Have a partner provide resistance on your wrist and elbow, while you try to internally rotate your arm.
Don't rotate externally rotate your shoulders, as this causes the elbows to point down and the wrists to rise above them.
You're going to bring the club across the centerline as far as you possibly can and you're going to pronate the wrist, that's rotating it this way, as if you're punching forward with a jab.
In a twisted bind, the shoulders rotate, the wrists revolve and the collarbones widen, creating a sky - facing heart opener.
It has a rotating handle to move the sponge head around inside the bottle, giving your wrist a break from turning and twisting.
The wrist can even rotate 360 degrees.
Using a rotating motion with your wrist, swirl the batter around and out to the edges of the pan — the thinner, the better.
The oversized power button and volume control are on the top edge of the screen (although it auto - rotates at the slightest twist of your wrist, almost too readily), along with the headphone socket (and the extreme thinness of the Tab makes the socket look unusually large).
The right stick allows you to rotate your hand left or right and flex your wrist up and down.
A spinning hat throw requires a flick of the wrist, which is better than rotating the stick.
It also lets you reload by tapping the IR camera on the right Joy - Con, switch targets by flicking your wrist when locked - on and rotate clues by moving them in your hands.
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