Sentences with phrase «rote learning»

[T] he same old teaching becomes incredibly more expensive and biased toward its dumbest parts, namely the kind of rote learning in which measurable results can be obtained by treating the children like pigeons in a Skinner box.
The current focus on rote learning of facts and knowledge benefit the companies which set exams and print text books.
No Child Left Behind mandated a high stakes standardized testing environment that unintentionally narrowed schools to focus on rote learning in reading and math.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) researchers have made the surprising discovery that people with Alzheimer's disease retain the capability for a specific form of memory used for rote learning...
Modern LMSs are not just about rote learning, they also have built - in quizzes, tests, and interactivities, which ensure learner involvement in the course.
Torlakson's message was more «stay the course,» a path that has shown increased funding for schools and new ways to teach and test students under the Common Core standards, which emphasize critical thinking over rote learning.
Although many educators dismiss rote learning as both boring and bad, Morgan believes it has its place.
«In PISA 2009, we found that Chinese students don't like rote learning in math.
The traditional methods of assimilating knowledge, by rote learning for instance, advocated by the likes of Amy Chua (interviewed in Weekend last January) in her seminal book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, do not necessarily prepare children for the successful futures we assume they will.
The only exception I might take is the comment about college involving «a lot of rote learning through cramming and memorizing.»
Otherwise, it could turn into just another menu or tic - tac - toe board where students choose what they'd like to do each evening to show mastery, which can sometimes result in more rote learning.
The demands of standardized testing often force schools instead to emphasize rote learning in English, neglecting the incredible asset of children's native languages and much of what researchers have discovered about how children learn second languages.
While it is easy to argue the case for memorising the multiplication tables, if a child is taught to really understand the concept rather than just rote learning, this should not be important.
Researchers believe growth in the time kids spend on computers and watching TV, plus a trend in schools toward rote learning and standardized testing, are crowding out the less structured activities that foster creativity.
Even the prestigious universities worry that their curricula and teaching methods are outdated and inappropriate for the modern world and encourage rote learning at the expense of creativity and critical thinking.
I've yet to see a classroom that uses Discovery Math or back - to - basics rote learning exclusively, or met a teacher who advocates a single approach.
In Boston, school district administrators are trying to remake summer school so that it no longer means rote learning in a stifling classroom.
He explains that the pressure to develop curriculum addressing state standards and the requirement to use standardized tests that reflect rote learning resulted in limited use of digital primary sources and «best historical practices» (p. 323).
Both are in whole or major part, the fault of the revisionist education dogma of the so - called progressive left which abandoned rote learning, core curricula, and classics for outcome - based propagandizing about the «victims» of Western civilization.
In the schools and parishes of the Catholic heartlands rote learning of doctrines and duties - not a bad thing as such - was rarely brought to life in a vision of the personal love of God, with a clear path shown for achieving the heights of sanctity.
Ability to reason is more important than arithmetic «facts», and most rote learning has given way to the ability to find out what we need to know online.
Furthermore, because the education system in China differs so much from western models - favouring rote learning over analysis - you will need to recruit from both areas.
These endeavors are invigorating and enriching, and they cultivate a holistic perspective of learning — unlike rote learning.
Rather than spending hours rote learning Latin names for muscles and studying for exams, on our massage courses you will learn to detect muscle tension and blocked energy in its many forms, layers and channels in the individual clients's body.
There was pushback, of course, given the deepseated belief in rote learning among parents and teachers in his country.
We were all a product of similar rote learning,» she says.
In fact, Holfeld et al (2008) found that schools in poorer neighborhoods restricted computer use to rote learning rather than using technology for creative engagement.
«The highly structured school with its fixed timetable, isolated subject areas, centralized curriculum, and authoritarian nature is giving way to a new order that places less stress on mechanical rote learning and greater importance on the discovery and exploration of concepts and impressions.»
Critical thinking, which has long been relegated to the back of the classroom in favor of standardized - testing - friendly rote learning, should be the priority in teaching math.
Homework facilitates rote learning The Cons Homework can be very stressful for students.
The government also appears more open to adopting more student - centered approaches to learning that leverage better techniques and technology rather than staying steadfast with a uniform curriculum and lectures that promote rote learning in a time - based system.
Supposedly, children learn nothing useful through memorization; and, we have been warned, rote learning leads only to boredom and rejection, going «in one ear and out the other.»
It's unrealistic to think that teaching via rote learning will ever be phased out completely, but it's important that schools teach students to recognise the critical difference between memory and intelligence.
It simply signifies rote learning with no understanding of the information being ingested.
Also, instead of on dimensional rote learning, media centred teaching emphasises on techniques of analysis and critical reasoning, and employs multiple intelligence as well as helps in improving the overall written and vocal expressions of students.
Even for people who struggle to learn key concepts the use of eLearning scenarios (case studies where learners solve problems in a context they understand) embedded with pictures helps, as this puts more emphasis on a deeper conceptual understanding not just surface rote learning.
They studied students who were learning about area and perimeter and concluded that «initial rote learning of a concept can create interference to later meaningful learning» (p. 537).
He said: «By rote learning people think students are going to be practicing ad nauseam and that is going to be the preferred approach to teaching our students.
Times Tables Rockstars is a fun and exciting take on rote learning times tables.
«They are skewing schools and national education systems away from real learning towards repetitive rote learning,» said Sir Anthony, head of Wellington College in Berkshire.
Rather than testing rote learning, it uses multiple - choice questions to focus on measuring how well SKILLS and CONCEPTS underlying the school syllabus have been understood by the student.
Toll noted that IDEO «did a whole school network in Peru,» transforming a system of rote learning into one focused on «group work and technology.»
«It is a baffling overreaction: to move from legitimate criticism of mindless rote learning to the complete denial of any kind of teacher - led activity.
Sometimes modular is good; sometimes coursework is good; sometimes teacher assessment is good; sometimes rote learning and terminal exams are good.
Unlike the Raids, which are all about tiresome cheesing and tedious rote learning, Prison Of Elders encourages you to think on the fly and will push you to the limits on the harder difficulties (thanks in part to some seriously tough bosses).
In 2015 Wattanawongchai was part of a group exhibition «Copy - Paste», in which Thai artists responded to the method of rote learning prevalent in Thailand.
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