Sentences with phrase «rotted human teeth»

Dr. Jay Gordon said, «We'd be a dead branch on the evolutionary tree if human milk rotted human teeth

Not exact matches

If humans are the result of so - called «intelligent design» then why do we have too little room on our jawbones to accommodate wisdom teeth (unless this alleged «god» intended our teeth to rot out since we're not supposed to have learned science, and therefore that the presence of bacteria plus acids are a bad environment for tooth enamel), and that so many of us are near - sighted, and that women can have FACIAL HAIR (is that a cruel joke?)
It has no benefit at all to humans, no food value, empty calories galore, it depletes the human system of vitamins and minerals, rots teeth, and is a causal factor in Osteoporosis, heart disease, sugar diabetes, obesity, glaucoma, and a hand full of other health problems.
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