Sentences with phrase «round of negotiations»

You'll have to get them to agree to join the next round of negotiations.
So ask questions and say very little in the first round of negotiations and you'll come back even stronger in the second round.
The adjuster may withhold their best offer for several rounds of negotiations so it can be beneficial to hang in there and not give up negotiations too soon.
I think the last round of negotiations were handled poorly.
While the Greek side described the talks as very tough and creditors said they were difficult, a second round of negotiations was set for 11 p.m. local time.
Finally the fourth and final round of the negotiations yielded a 2.2 °C projection in global temperature rise by 2100.
This is where the next big round of negotiations occurs.
They also led us through multiple rounds of negotiation to get to a price we were comfortable with.
In a buyers market it is typical that there can be a 2nd round of negotiations after the home inspection.
When I work with Buyers and Sellers I say that the first major round of negotiations is when you go under contract.
Those leading the initiative claim that additional transparency is just around the corner once further rounds of negotiations are finalized.
It will come out of meaningful negotiations that work through the key issues, and this is a first, and very critical round of those negotiations.
The second most intensive round of negotiations happens around the inspection.
A favorable settlement offer usually takes several rounds of negotiations.
While the inspection often results in a second round of negotiations, buyers should view the inspection as the introduction to their potential home.
Quite far along in the due diligence process and with the outcome looking positive, the conference room had been booked for 2.5 hours in preparation for an intense final round of negotiations.
That's when a second — and more productive — round of negotiations occurred.
There are plenty of buyers that love to use the home inspection as a 2nd round of negotiations.
Our jargon cheat sheet explains the buzzwords to watch at the latest round of negotiations in Marrakech, Morocco and their implications for curbing climate change.
Whatever result comes from David Cameron's latest round of negotiations with EU leaders this week,...
The latest round of negotiations between the Governor and legislators culminated Tuesday night in yet another failure.
Today, the first official round of negotiations between the European Union (EU) and Central American countries begins in San José, Costa Rica, with the view of establishing a comprehensive «Association Agreement» between both regions, covering trade, political dialogue and cooperation aspects.
But the next round of negotiations for the second phase of the Kyoto Protocol, covering the period after 2012 will start next month in Bali and governments will need to decide who must commit to drastic emission cuts to save the world from climate change.
Following criticism from Congress and the Neg Reg committee, the Dept. of Education's revised its proposed language from the previous two rounds of negotiations on assessments and the SNS regulations.
Think of it like haggling at a flea market — you never want the other person to know your absolute maximum price and you want to be able to go through as many rounds of negotiation as it takes to get a deal that you're comfortable with.
If there's no significant progress during the third round of negotiations, starting Saturday in Ottawa, they say there's no chance a deal can be struck by year's end.
Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, right, and Mexico's Secretary of Economy Ildefonso Guajardo Villarrea, deliver statements to the media during the sixth round of negotiations for a new North American Free Trade Agreement in Montreal in January 2018.
After a multi-year round of negotiations between the federal and provincial governments, a deal was reached to increase contributions still further, limit benefits, and accumulate a surplus to be invested in what is now the $ 280 billion Canada Pension Plan Investment Board.
He notes that rules of origin rose to prominence during the WTO's Uruguay Round of negotiations, which took place between 1986 and 1994.
The TPP may or may not be the next big thing, but if it succeeds (and 14 rounds of negotiations during which substantial progress has been made on most of the chapters of the agreement suggests it is more than just talk) Canada will be better positioned being in than being out.
Further, much of the energy of the United States in international diplomacy have gone into the successive rounds of negotiations called the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
With the latest (and second - to - last) round of negotiations before COP15 just finished in Bangkok, the gap between rich and poor nations on each other's responsibilities, by many accounts, has not narrowed.
Orr and fellow UN staffers have gone to great pains to separate the summit from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiating process, in part because of the debacle of the Copenhagen round of negotiations in which Obama and other world leaders reached an agreement that was not legally enforceable and that climate negotiators had difficulty putting into actual practice.
The European Union and the U.K. are far from reaching an agreement on key issues in Brexit talks, as the second round of negotiations comes to an end.
The seventh round of negotiations wrap up Monday in Mexico City, with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer due to meet with Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo and Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, just hours after Trump's tweet.
The negotiating teams are due to meet again in Washington in December before a sixth formal round of negotiations is scheduled for Montreal, Canada from Jan. 23 - 28.
The markets finally woke up to this on Wednesday, after sleepwalking for the past year, as bond yields and stock prices sank and the dollar took a hit on news that the Trump administration is preparing to pull the plug on the North American free - trade agreement, maybe even before the next round of negotiations slated for Montreal at the end of the month.
If officials can not make more progress in revising the North American Free Trade Agreement next week — the meetings in Washington starting Wednesday are the fourth of seven scheduled rounds of negotiation — the odds of reaching a deal will decrease even more.
While these developments were taking place in trans - Atlantic trade discussions, trans - Pacific negotiators from the 12 Trans - Pacific Partnership (TPP) countries were in Brunei concluding what may be their penultimate round of negotiations, prior to the APEC Summit in Bali in early October.
A CEPA would... send a message to Canadian business that India is a market worth taking seriouslyWith the ninth round of negotiations recently completed, Harper should press for a rapid conclusion.
Participate in the tri-national day of action — Jornada Continental por la democracia y contra el Neoliberalism — to coincide with the upcoming round of negotiations in Mexico.
Negotiators from the United States, Canada, and Mexico met in Mexico City on November 17 - 21 for the fifth round of negotiations to modernize the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with a focus on advancing the technical aspects of pending proposals and chapters.
The 6th round of negotiations will be held in Montreal, Canada, beginning January 23rd 2017.

Phrases with «round of negotiations»

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