Sentences with phrase «rounded upper spine»

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The spine is rounded, called kyphosis until the upper part of the spine, the neck lordosis stretches.
You will also need to clench your abs tightly, as if someone is about to punch them, and then also keep your upper back in check — you don't want it to go round because your spine will be very stressed out.
With your spine long, slowly sit your hips back, rounding your upper back.
Folding forward with a long, extending spine versus a rounded upper back, prevents the lumbar spine from compressing.
«It works the glutes, hamstrings, core, and shoulders,» says Heins, as well as your upper back, which has to keep the club from yanking your shoulders forward and rounding your spine.
Your middle and upper back — called the thoracic spinerounds posteriorly.
Kyphosis may contribute to the following symptoms as a result of the rounding of the upper spine.
An increased thoracic curve in the spine — an over curvature of the upper back, the back looks hunched or rounded.
When the upper back rounds, the head drops forward and the scapulae move away from the spine.
Push the floor away with your hands to round your spine, and lift your belly toward your lower back as you press your upper back toward the ceiling.
Remember to round your spine as much as possible in this pose, inhaling into the back body: the hips and kidneys, the lower back, the mid-back, and the upper back, into the cervical vertebrae.
As you progress, draw your belly up toward your lower back, your breastbone toward your upper back, and your head toward the front of your tailbone to round the spine more.
Keeping your spine long, slowly sit your hips back and round your upper back, tucking your chin to your chest at the same time.
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