Sentences with phrase «routine after a vacation»

It always feels good to get back into a healthy routine after a vacation.

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After a week of vacation I'm so ready to get back to business, back to a good routine, and back to healthy eating.
We were delighted to discover that after a dip and then a snuggle in a towel, she'd pass out for about 90 minutes on the beach or on a pool lounger, and so became our «vacation routine
Kids often find that returning to the school routine is a welcome change of pace after the long summer vacation, and they will work eagerly through the first three to five weeks.
Back after vacation with his mother, Anna, Myles, 6, resists dad Michael's routine.
2018 Meeting Dates and Topics: March 17: Self - care in Motherhood April 21: Physical Recovery from Birth May 19: Vacationing with Baby June 16: Getting Into a Routine with Baby July 21: Returning to Work After a Baby August 18: Evolving Relationships During Postpartum September 22: Processing Infant Feeding Experiencing October 20: Body Image After Motherhood November 17: What's Normal In Newborn Sleep?
Summer wreaks havoc on our diets because many of us don't follow normal routines, whether it's due to a vacation, kids being home all day, or lots of food - focused social events after work and on the weekends; they make us more likely to cheat on our diets, a little here and there.
Here are 6 tips to apply NOW, right after your vacation, to make the most of this new quarter and get back into your healthy productive routine:
After weeks of not exercising (while on vacation I caught the dreaded flu bug), I was looking for a workout routine that would whip me back into shape.
After a week long vacation, I'm finally getting adjusted to our daily routine.
Between easing back into work after vacation and the Kansas City Royals disrupting my typical weekly routine, this week blew by (resulting in an even stronger love / hate relationship with time and the speed at which it passes).
It's always hard to come home after a long vacation and face reality, but after several trips in a row I become homesick and my routine is completely thrown off.
He goes back to work tomorrow, after a wonderful vacation together, and our conversation was drifting from our fun holiday memories to the logistics of returning to our daily routine.
They are recommended for cats and dogs that may have separation anxiety, that run for cover every time you have company, or become moody after being introduced to a new family member and dogs that urinate in the house or cats that urinate outside of the litter box when you go on vacation, or leave you special «gifts» if you interrupt his or her routine.
After a month of the lack of routine that comes with summer vacation, my family and I are gearing up for our big trip.
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