Sentences with phrase «routine basis»

The phrase "routine basis" means something that happens regularly or often, following a fixed pattern or schedule. Full definition
I have been adapting my lifestyle and workout routines based on your guidelines in your program, and am making some pretty good progress over the last few weeks.
Families will have different routines based on their culture and the needs of their individual child.
A workout routine based around compound exercises is much quicker than one that requires you to do isolation movements for each muscle group.
They only use gentle techniques and use flexible routines based on your baby's natural patterns using a log sent by you before they arrive.
Regular planned maintenance is the key to well - managed pitches, and most of the tasks required are carried out on a fairly routine basis from one year to the next.
Choose one of these six fitness routines based on what appeals most to you.
It wasn't until a few years ago that I realized the importance of switching up your skincare routine based on the seasons.
It can give you on - screen guidance for every workout and also recommend effective routines based on your feedback.
There are many things that may be done either on a routine or not so routine basis, including a hearing test, blood sugar testing, ultrasound, etc..
You can start some kind of routine based loosely on feeding them every few hours, making sure to fit in a trip outside every day to maintain your own sanity.
Next time you are traveling and don't have access to a gym, create a bodyweight workout routine based off of these alternatives.
I created a «testosterone - boosting» morning routine based on the research I'd done.
Our True Team skincare coaches can help you determine your ideal routine based on your symptoms.
Try to establish a set potty routine based on your dog's needs and your schedule.
Develop patient case file and implement an effective therapeutic routine based on the diagnosis.
Our understanding of how fitness routines based on genetics can improve outcomes related to muscle building will improve with more research.
Also, you need to build a skincare routine based on your skin type; your skincare routine will help replenish moisture back into your healthy skin cells for a smoother foundation application.
Verify and maintain the logistics of primary / secondary parts and supplies; audit local agencies on routine basis for quality control and guideline practices, refresh doctrine as needed to list current procedures and practices as needed
Unfortunately, outdated hospital routines based on bottle feeding still predominate in many health care institutions and make breastfeeding difficult, even impossible, for some mothers and babies.
The show is created over a 2 month period as coaches choreograph and customize routines based on highlights from the competitive season.
Yes, I know cats can be independent and pretty much have their own routines based around arranging themselves in as many sleeping positions as it's possible to achieve in a 16 - hour stretch.
(This competition features highly choreographed routines based on the ancient African Boot Dance, and include complicated hand and foot moves performed in unison.)
You can track your calorie intake, and start an exercise routine based on running, walking, cycling or hiking.
Wiley alters her self - care routine based on what's going on in her life to make sure everything stays balanced.
It's all fairly basic — there's no conditional triggers, for instance, like having the Echo Plus run Routines based on motion sensors being activated or if the temperature drops below a certain level, and you can't have specific songs or playlists played — but should give those new to automation a taste of what's possible.
After a successful home delivery (via USPS) at 4 p.m. on Friday, Chip settled into his laundry basket - turned crib and cycled through three 24 - hour routines based on the feeding and sleep cycles of real newborns.
Actually healthy normal children do not require supplementationon routine basis.
Since the enactment of New York's property tax cap, school budgets are being approved on an almost routine basis.
The following routine based on the Row House Full Body class is a good place to start.
Top Chest Routines Based on Goals Whether you've hit a plateau or you're a beginner, it's imperative to know your specific goals.
As mass shootings invade American life on a terrifyingly routine basis nowadays, the November 17 launch of Marvel's The Punisher brings a conflicted cacophony of gunfire and blood - dripping militarism and nihilism that makes Charles Bronson's Death Wish movies look like a philosophical pillow fight.
You never get to know if Ava is just a mindless machine, containing an expert system with clever question - answer routines based on imitating millions of worldwide Google - searches, or if she has actual emotions.
Fitbit includes a Guided Breathing feature too, which offered personalized breathing routines based on our heart rate.
Determined rehabilitation routines based on individual needs and implemented quick methods to help individuals learn exercises.
Designed and implemented functional, personalized physical training routines based on neuromuscular, arthrokinematic, and kinesiologic knowledge.
1) If you managed to take shows potential dates on routine basis, using the traditional approach... Continue Reading →
Unfortunately, outdated hospital routines based on bottle feeding still predominate in too many health care institutions and make breastfeeding difficult, even impossible, for too many mothers and babies.
This informative post from Noelle explores the benefits of running hill sprints for your fitness, and provides different routines based on your individual needs and level.
Back when I was a more active investor trading individual stocks on a more routine basis, I used to question the wisdom of professional fund managers owning -LSB-...]
Head Coach Kim Probst and Olga Kouznetsova choreograph and customize routines based on highlights from the competitive season.
One of the things that parents love most about their books is that no program is either proscribed or prescribed, but rather, parents are urged to develop their own routines based on their own family's personalities and preferences.
«In a really short time, we will see new genes discovered on a fairly routine basis
• Planned exercise routines based on each member's individual goals • Assisted members with routines and the use of equipment • Observed patients for fatigue or the need for changing exercise plans • Taught appropriate breathing techniques • Conducted therapeutic and athletic activities • Maintained and serviced gym equipment • Followed up on members» progress • Provide members with information regarding nutrition and diet plans
It also provides more detailed feedback on the player's performance and allows players to create a personalised workout routine based on specific objectives or available time.
1) If you managed to take shows potential dates on routine basis, using the traditional approach to dating, it may not be necessary to try online dating.
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