Sentences with phrase «routine electronic fetal monitoring»

Their particular concern is the «trends towards excessive, unnecessary, or inappropriate use of obstetric interventions» (p. 2178), including unnecessary ultrasound examinations, routine electronic fetal monitoring, routine episiotomy, high rates of labour induction and augmentation, and non-medically indicated CS.
However, healthy women giving birth in US hospitals are likely to experience such interventions as induction, routine electronic fetal monitoring, restricted movement and other procedures that are linked to cesarean surgery.

Not exact matches

People generally choose to birth at home because it feels more comfortable and they wish to avoid routine hospital interventions such as continuous electronic fetal monitoring or IV fluids.
In addition, they are typically healthy and wish to avoid routine hospital interventions or non-evidenced based practices such as being confined to a bed, not being allowed to eat or drink in labor, continuous electronic fetal monitoring, routine IV fluids, non-medically indicated (pitocin) induction, episiotomy and other common birth interventions.
Routine use of electronic fetal monitoring is not in the best interests of either.»
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