Sentences with phrase «routine of school»

Experts say parents can help their kids make the transition from summer's leisurely pace to the faster, more rigorous routines of the school year.
It does not take long for this initial surge of energy to wear off as students and teachers find themselves caught up in the actual routine of school.
Rather than put up with the normal routine of school, he begins an all - out plan for retaliation on all the people who have picked on him.
France has a different meal schedule than in America because the daily routine of school, work and midday business closings dictate different meal times.
In studying the simple and immensely practical question of how charter schools handle teacher retirement when state law allows them to opt out of the state's pension system, Podgursky and Olberg examine just how much rethinking charters are doing when it comes to the familiar, expensive, and binding routines of schooling — and what lessons that holds for schools more broadly.
For other families, this type of free - for - all on weekends and holidays can be crippling and present challenges for re-entry into the regular routine of the school week.
Two girls find a dragon egg, the creature comes out, but it disappears... Mindy is a girl who goes through the boring routines of school in her hometown.
I'd been exiled from the predictable routines of school; I was about to be 22 years old, and I was nowhere near home.
Although I love having my kids at home, we're starting to crave the structure and routine of the school year.
I love fall even though I wasn't so ready for summer to end, mainly because the routine of school, Hebrew school and homework just isn't as appealing as our summer fun and freedom.
In our house, a return to the routine of the school year revolves around the one immutable piece of the schedule: bed time.
Not only is kindergarten a year to get used to the routine of school, the idea of being accountable to a new authority figure and to make new friends, but, as kindergarten teachers will tell you, it's a crucial year to build the foundation for learning.
Even before a divorce, if there was discord in the home, your child may have been using the routine of school as a safety net.
By second grade most students are used to the rules and routine of school and are ready to face more challenging academics.
A big part of the preschool process is preparing your child for the routine of the school day.
Preschoolers also learn «school readiness» skills, which help them understand the routines of school, how to work in groups, and how to be students.
For some reason or another I was really moody; it may be at least partly due the routine of school with my son.
And, although I love summer because we don't have to rush around in the morning to get them off, I appreciate the routine of the school year too.
I had arrived at that place most Mummy's get to around the time their youngest has settled into the routine of school.
At face value, a full - day integrated learning program offers a «break» from the routine of school — which means instant buy - in from kids.
The algebra initiative was an attempt to integrate planning and collaboration into the routine of the school.
If they come for a day they read the bulletin boards and they go home, if they come for a week they really can immerse themselves in the routines of the school.
helping students transition back into the routines of our school day.
And I can relate to the worry that this opens the door to the Obama administration (or the Clinton administration) getting deeper into the day - to - day routines of our schools, something we must vigorously resist.
Attendance suffers when families are struggling to keep up with the routine of school despite the lack of reliable transportation, working long hours in poorly paid jobs with little flexibility, unstable and unaffordable housing, inadequate health care and escalating community violence.
Ms. Robinson - Rivers: Building positive relationships with families can really improve students» success in school, especially those students who may be having a hard time acclimating to the routines of the school environment.
His parents have recently divorced, and although it will be a different kind of summer, 12 - year - old Adam looks forward to escaping the routine of school, sitting on the dock by himself and watching the loons.»
Getting back into the routine of school takes a little more preparation for kids with diabetes, but it pays off over and over as the weeks and months go by.
You can ask your child's teacher about other ways you can prepare him or her for the day - to - day routine of school, and that will make your child all the more confident when the big day actually comes around.
I love the routine of school.
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