Sentences with phrase «routines keeps your body guessing»

It is the principle that changing your routines keeps your body guessing, therefore reducing the chance of hitting a plateau.

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«I suggest mixing up your routine every four to six weeks to keep your body guessing and your fitness levels progressing.
To prevent ruts and plateaus, you need to mix up your exercise routines to keep your body guessing.
Aside from interval workouts, changing your routine all together will keep your body guessing and burning optimal calories.
So keep your body guessing, this can be done by mixing up your routine, change your exercises, either by doing them in a different order or by doing a different exercise altogether (one that still works the same muscle group).
Exercises are substituted to change up the workout routine, and keep the body guessing.
My new plan is to mix up my diet routine at least once every few months to keep my body guessing — I'll try a week of Fast Metabolism here and MIND superfoods there.
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