Sentences with phrase «rude things on»

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These «little» leaders who are drinking their own Kool - Aid and who think you can fool all of the people at least some of the time (while you're trying to figure things out) are on their way to a rude awakening and an abrupt collision.
Not only that, but they will say rude things about you on Glassdoor.
The whole thing turned into a particularly ugly social - media mess for Nestle when the manager of the company's fan page on Facebook started getting argumentative and rude.
I don't think it would be a good thing if we all had the same opinions on here and it's rude to ignore someone.
As you probably know, our departed Christopher Hitchens, for example, had many unflattering things to say about Mother Theresa, extremely rude and outragous, actually, and some on this blog echoed the sentiment.
Your child is hearing all sorts of things at school and on the bus and practice field, and while you shouldn't be surprised if your tween occasionally lets loose a rude comment or word every now and then, you should do whatever it takes to make sure your child doesn't develop a bad habit that includes foul - mouthed communication.
A mom from Portland, Oregon, explained why on an online parenting discussion board: «The nanny is often more «soft» with older (daughter)-- doesn't expect her to do the things I expect (i.e. no separation from other kids when [she] is speaking rude or being mean, no expectation for her to say please and thank you at meals).»
Because, you know, it's one thing to have his be hot - button topic that we all kind of talk about it, but then I kind of heard some horror stories on ways that other moms have, you know, just really kind of been rude about the whole thing, not fully understanding or even knowing any information about a mom's background and why she made that choice.
A common thing to think about & # 151 what do you do if someone says something rude or critical on your blog?
As we pointed out in the article «9 Things You Must Never Do in the Gym,» it is downright rude to camp out on a machine while texting or take up space in front of the squat rack posing for a dozen selfies.
It seemed that every time I tried I had strangers commenting on my pale legs with any assortment of rude things to say.
I read a survey a while back, where the overwhelming majority of singletons said the worst thing someone could do on a date is be rude to the waiter or waitress.
The absolute worst thing you can do on a first date according to our research is be rude to staff.
You don't want seem rude or disinterested when you respond to a message from someone who took the time to read your profile and comment on some of the things.
As these things often do, the missive prompted a piling on of similar tales of inscrutably weird or profoundly rude dating messages.
But Orphan will soon be gone, and none of the hands read books, and he laughs at the tractors just as he would laugh if one of these men made a rude comment about Eula Parker, because the most important thing, he believes, is not to let on that he loves anything at all.
So here's the cool part... after all this they then had me do various things which they said were part of a «Canine Good Citizen test» such as meet someone without being rude or jumping on them, let the person pet and touch me, sit, down, stay 20 feet, come from 10 feet, not freak out or be overly nervous when there's a distraction, stay with a stranger for 3 min when my people go out of sight, pass another dog, and walk nicely on a leash while turning and when people are walking around («crowd» of people).
This is important to figure out early on, usually before you even arrive, because the last thing you want to do is end up as an albatross on their busy schedule, or, conversely, come off as being rude, treating them like some sort of one - night stand.
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