Sentences with phrase «rudimentary concept»

He's also the sort of educated person who fails to grasp the rudimentary concept that the climate has always changed.
It's remarkable that something so obvious needs to be said — and that so few scientific organizations seem capable of grasping this rudimentary concept.
It's such a rudimentary concept that makes all the difference in practice.
There's one more rudimentary concept to understand before seeing how to put this newfound information together, and that is the distinction between children and descendants.
Below, we present the history of how mutual funds began and how many of the rudimentary concepts behind these pooled investments got their start.
Startlingly, the way Blitz boils the traditional Rock Band experience down to its most rudimentary concepts feels like a breath of fresh air for the series and results in the first rhythm game to feel fresh in years.

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The point is that any complex concept scheme has internal resources through which the materials of another can be captured in a descriptively more rudimentary — and thereby descriptively neutral — manner so as to make communicative contact possible.
Ethics and morality are necessary for a species to form a civilization, and we see rudimentary understanding of these concepts in other species — just not as refined.
You can reinforce this concept of object permanence by playing a rudimentary game of hide and seek.
The innovative aspect of this activity was the notion that the concept of macroscopic devices could be extended to the molecular level, and that it was possible to design supramolecular systems that, upon stimulation with external energy stimuli such as UV / Visible light, are capable of performing a variety of specific functions: (i) systems for information processing (e.g., wires, switches, antennas, plug / socket systems, extension cables, memories, logic gates, encoder / decoder, rudimentary neuron - like systems), (ii) devices that when powered by chemical energy or electrochemical energy or by light exhibit machine - like behavior (e.g., piston / cylinder systems, shuttles, lifts, rotary rings, dendritic photo - switchable boxes), and (iii) components for artificial photosynthetic systems.
While the film is a thoroughly engrossing portrayal of politics in its most rudimentary shape, it is also a rousing representation of the concept of democracy at its best and most potent.
The entire concept of the superhero behind Green Lantern strikes me as patently ridiculous in how rudimentary it is.
Knowing is the kind of movie that has an earnest theme that is wholly overcooked, whereby the concepts behind the thematic material of the piece suck all of the creativity and entertainment value from the rudimentary storyline in order to facilitate the constant revelations of the mystery at the heart of the plot.
Ideally, learners must receive the most rudimentary ideas first, building up to the most complex concepts.
I remember sitting with him in office hours and pitching a very rudimentary online competition concept.
Therefore, it's important to start with the most rudimentary ideas and concepts, then work your way up.
Although this concept only has rudimentary running gear, it's possible to get a feel for how the real thing will drive.
Learn about Search Engine Optimization (SEO)-- Acquainting yourself with the rudimentary foundations of SEO might seem time consuming, but gaining a general knowledge of this concept will improve your understanding of how it acts as a sales function.
Rudimentary financial concepts such as «pay yourself first,» «build an emergency fund,» «automate your savings,» and «invest in low - cost index funds» were utterly alien.
The campaign does serve as a rudimentary tutorial for the main controls and core concepts of the game, which definitely need some explanation if you are not familiar with the series.
Plus the aforementioned TMD concept is rudimentary but adds a new layer of gameplay to what is already a good solid bit of gun - play.
One of the concepts that set this game apart from other Musou, however, is the introduction of a rudimentary tower - defense mechanic.
Still, it's a great, if rudimentary, introduction to the concept of animal welfare on factory farms, which parents can use to jump - start a conversation about where our food comes from.
More importantly, creating a tangible manifestation of your idea, however rudimentary, creates the conditions you need to gather feedback and to think through what it would take to move your concept forward.
More than two - thirds of American men and women are considered financially illiterate, lacking the most basic, rudimentary knowledge of simple financial concepts like savings, budgeting, credit or debt.
The team behind the Pebble smartwatch released a «proof - of - concept» SDK last week, letting developers create their own watch faces and rudimentary apps.
Akin to how capital flows en masse from speculative small - cap stocks into «blue chips» and gold in times of economic turmoil, the helpless cryptocurrency market has seen investors ditch altcoins — often bought into based on little more than a rudimentary prototype, or worse still, an abstract concept — in favour of the pioneering cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC).
Of course, the understanding of this fundamental concept is quite rudimentary at first and continues to mature in the next year and a half of the child's life.
«The paramount importance of early math skills — of beginning school with a knowledge of numbers, number order, and other rudimentary math concepts — is one of the puzzles coming out of the study,» coauthor and Northwestern University researcher Greg Duncan said in a press release.
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