Sentences with phrase «rudimentary level of»

But many Brits do not have even this rudimentary level of knowledge about the food that they eat and do not realise that Kentucky this, Pizza that and Burger the other, while perfectly acceptable as an occasional treat, is unlikely to improve their health as an exclusive diet.
Rooney, who is also an art critic with The Brooklyn Rail, doesn't stop at this rudimentary level of form - and - meaning conjunction.
You are basically limited to a very rudimentary level of note taking.
Each is equipped with a rudimentary level of programmed behaviours, such as «help an injured person».

Not exact matches

Wolfenstein — often credited as the game that launched the genre — looks positively rudimentary now, since it limited players to grid - like levels that had only one plane of action.
For new investors who have no experience examining different businesses, I thought it might be useful to create a short, high - level checklist that provides a rudimentary overview of some of the things that I look for when searching for companies I want to own.
So this all becomes a very interesting view of the world: once we get to that level, contracts become like rudimentary AIs working on your behalf, [and] we begin to enter into the collaborative economy where true peer - to - peer nature can emerge.
The problem is that most advisors still use rudimentary personality profiles to help clients determine the right level of risk.
Just because ours is an establishment more of content than of form; just because our close ties with our dominant culture have existed at the level of fundamental beliefs, lifestyles, and rudimentary moral assumptions; any effective extrication of ourselves from this severely limiting relationship has to occur at that more subtle level: the level of original thought.
Feelings at this rudimentary, non-conscious level of causal efficacy actively receive past actual entities into the new concrescence.
But there is good reason for holding that mentality in the form of some sort of rudimentary «feeling» may be present at the level of the energy - events that give rise to electrons and atoms.
We as human beings have an innate need to be recognized, and if we understand that at the most rudimentary level and leverage that, you have a greater chance of being successful.»
The factory is rudimentary — one large room with a few stitching machines and a long cobbler's bench where the soles of the boots are glued and leveled.
This creates a bunch of value on the other side and we see that betting against these top teams is a wise decision at the most rudimentary of levels.
Steve: And one of the great things about the book is that it goes off on a lot of digressions as you just did, because you really do need a background in the entire history of physics, to a certain degree, to understand string theory, even at a relatively rudimentary level.
While this type of sampling is rudimentary, the bucket tests were more than what Louisiana's Department of Environmental Quality had done; the regulatory agency relied mainly on Shell's emissions data, which indicated that concentration levels of pollutants fell below the permitted state limits.
The Teop people were selected to test Grimalda's theories on human cooperation for the small size of their communities (populations of around 50 inhabitants) and low levels of social complexity, though also because they present very different characteristics to those found in Western societies: they are horticulturists and gatherers; they use rudimentary tools to grow their food; they have no mechanised industry; and retribution for manual labour is infrequent.
The innovative aspect of this activity was the notion that the concept of macroscopic devices could be extended to the molecular level, and that it was possible to design supramolecular systems that, upon stimulation with external energy stimuli such as UV / Visible light, are capable of performing a variety of specific functions: (i) systems for information processing (e.g., wires, switches, antennas, plug / socket systems, extension cables, memories, logic gates, encoder / decoder, rudimentary neuron - like systems), (ii) devices that when powered by chemical energy or electrochemical energy or by light exhibit machine - like behavior (e.g., piston / cylinder systems, shuttles, lifts, rotary rings, dendritic photo - switchable boxes), and (iii) components for artificial photosynthetic systems.
As the fluff begins to fly, you may find some rudimentary reasons to chuckle, but be warned; there is a heinous truth from which even Naughty himself can not escape, and one that becomes painfully evident upon completing the first episode â $ «the world is made up of just a single level that repeats itself ad nauseum.
Despite its rudimentary story, rarely have I ever felt as connected to a fantasy world's plight than I have with Tethu and his merry band of mishaps — all thanks to the intricate bonds you form with your allies as they level up both behind the counter and in the heat of battle.
Everything from movies to music to even video games have a rudimentary rating level, flawed though it may be, that lets consumers have some small idea of the type of content they can expect... [Read more...]
The 600 - by -800-pixel resolution at 167 pixels per inch is clear enough for text and even rudimentary photos, and it can show four levels of gray.
Bamboo cultivation at grassroots levels in Kenya is riddled with rudimentary skills and in certain incidences complete lack of knowledge on seedlings production (vegetative or direct seeding) and nursery management techniques.
It works in the rudimentary way of awarding your weapon experience points per kill, but when you see that your level 2 shotgun now fires flame rounds and has undergone an awesome visual transformation, you can't help but feel satisfied with the system in spite of its simplicity.
But woefully, exertion stems just as much from Neptunia's rudimentary modeling of jump physics as it does from level design.
Despite its rudimentary story, rarely have I ever felt as connected to a fantasy world's plight than I have with Tethu and his merry band of mishaps — all thanks to the intricate bonds you form with your allies as they level up both behind the counter and in the heat of battle.
Then I got into the World Tour mode and started to frustrate a bit with the onset of grinding through a few matches in order to get to a respectable level where I could compete and pull off even rudimentary moves.
On a rudimentary level, the circle - strafing protagonist launches an unrelenting flurry of projectiles at skeletons, snakes, and bomb - carrying foes.
Bamboo cultivation at grassroots levels in Kenya is riddled with rudimentary skills and in certain incidences complete lack of knowledge on seedlings production (vegetative or direct seeding) and nursery management techniques.
As opposed to comprehension of rudimentary scientific facts, knowledge acquired via graduate - level training and publishing in climate science does appear to increase the likelihood of viewing global warming as real, human caused, and harmful, if other factors are held constant.
This is because our level of knowledge today is so rudimentary that we can not make any reasonable estimates of what the impact on climate of human CO2 emissions has been in the past or will be in the future.
The worse part of it is that since so many people are not trained even at a rudimentary level in how science works i.e. the method and philosophy of it, they don't have a confident enough background to take the legalistic type approach to argument apart.
Can it be legitimately argued that life in a society such as ours may be tolerated without access to at least the most basic and rudimentary elements of technology, and arguably, reasonable levels of technology?
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