Sentences with phrase «rule of thumb at»

A great rule of thumb at the office: your shoes should be attached to your feet, front and back.
As a rule of thumb at least 100µg of the interaction partners should be available.
There is a general rule of thumb at the Capitol that complex budget negotiations — which usually involve a variety of non-fiscal items — blow up before a deal comes together.
The best rule of thumb at this point is to wait patiently — listen more and talk less.
There's a rule of thumb at fast food and quick - serve restaurants (QSR): a seven - second reduction in customer wait time results in an...
There's a rule of thumb at fast food and quick - serve restaurants (QSR): a seven - second reduction in customer wait time results in an average 1 percent gain in market share.

Not exact matches

A good rule of thumb is to have at least 12 months of cash available to cover 100 % of your personal expenses.
A good rule of thumb is to treat everyone at a potential new employer like the CEO — you never know who you're talking to!
Admittedly, Ries and Trout offer some good lessons, but these are «rules of thumb» at best.
As always, this depends on the individual business, but a good rule of thumb is that you shouldn't take out more than you can pay down to zero at least once during the next 12 months.
A general rule of thumb is to have adequate funds for the necessary expenses of at least 3 to 6 months.
A good rule of thumb is to allow at least six months, and ideally more than a full year, between the changeover and the transaction.
«More research needs to be done on creative work and teamwork, but the evidence still suggests that with most jobs, a good rule of thumb is to let employees have one to two days a week at home.
Another basic rule of thumb: «Look for ways to shift income between tax brackets,» advises Brian Whitlock, a partner at Blackman Kallick Bartelstein LLP, a Chicago accounting firm.
How often you post depends on your industry and target market, but at least once a day is a good rule of thumb.
A good rule of thumb is to be able to show at least five deposits to your bank account per month.
Musk did not go into detail on what those changes might be, but it is possible that Tesla could decide to make it a rule of thumb that hands must always be on the wheel at all times.
«A good rule of thumb is to have savings for at least six months of expenses.»
As a rule of thumb, it's a good idea for all individuals who own at least 20 % of the business to personally guarantee a loan.
When you think about rules of thumb around withdrawal rates, right, how much can I withdraw from my portfolio, even the research that we do here at Vanguard, it's all predicated upon a balanced portfolio, anywhere between 40 % — 60 % in a globally diversified equity portfolio.
This post should be used as a rule of thumb each year at the planning retreat.
A prudent rule of thumb in the context of the backdoor Roth contribution is to wait a year (though notably, Jeff Levine and the team at Ed Slott and Company believe a much shorter time period is sufficient, such as waiting «one statement» until an end - of - month statement is released to show the IRA contribution being made).
Our rule of thumb: Aim to save at least a total of 15 % of your pretax income1 each year from age 25 to age 67.
The situation is worsened because traditional retirement rules - of - thumb like the «4 % rule» are about as reliable as «red sky at night».
As a personal rule of thumb I would argue for the preservation of at least 30 % of your personal assets as a cushion against total financial ruin.
Here's a good rule of thumb: if the current interest rate is at least a half percent lower than the interest rate in your existing mortgage, then refinancing may be a good option for you.
But it will cost you; a typical rule of thumb is to look at their current salary and propose a 10 — 20 % increase.
This is better than doing no planning at all, but I think a customized set of assumptions is always better than using a generic rule of thumb.
At the end of the day, you will probably fine either way, but as a rule of thumb, the longer your life expectancy & the better it is to put off social security if possible.
So says Matt Blakenship over at Ricochet, prompted in part by the removal of a Milton, Shakespeare, and Chaucer requirement at UCLA by idiotically ideologue English faculty raving on about «Empire» and such.My rule of thumb for many years has been: a desire for undergraduate major in....
As a general rule of thumb, I would say that religions are at their best whenever they challenge their members to chafe against preexisting identities — for example, when St. Paul says that «in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female.»
A general and easy rule of thumb for making sure the cheese you buy is lactose - free is to meet ALL of the SCD legal cheese tenets which are: Purchase a block of cheese that is on the below GREAT listing of SCD legal cheeses (based on the BTVC book and BTVC website list of permitted cheeses) and make sure the package says it is 1) aged at least 30 days AND 2) contains only SCD legal ingredients.
My rule of thumb for buying a cookbook is that it must contain at least five recipes that I can not live without trying AND it must offer some intangible something — innovation, technique, cultural insight, or even nostalgia — that I can not already easily find on my shelves or on the internet.
As a rule of thumb, fresh delicate herbs won't tolerate the long stint at high temps in the oven, so it's best to «finish» the dish once the vegetables have been removed from the oven and are being served with a sprinkle of the freshly chopped parsley, cilantro, basil, mint, etc..
The bread baking is really based on a simple rule of thumb that bread dough should normally be a 3 to 1 ratio of flour to liquid and they are done baking at an internal temperature of 160 degrees.
However, some general rules of thumb to look out for while baking at high altitudes can be found at the article in this link:
YEAST: Rule of thumb for Yeast Water Temp: Run water temp at sink until you can only hold your hand under water for 15 seconds - that is temp you want for soaking yeast.
At the end of the day, though, a good rule of thumb for deciding where to skimp and splurge is to ask yourself, «Is this actually important to me?»
One rule of thumb is to avoid Chinese capacitors at all costs, I wonder if the Chinese military relies on homegrown caps or if they outsource that to Taiwan and Japan... As silly as that may sound an actual war could easily hinge on something so silly.
For example, a very general rule of thumb is that babies have a growth spurt at 6 days, 6 weeks and 6 months... At this point in time they tend to need more food to be contenat 6 days, 6 weeks and 6 months... At this point in time they tend to need more food to be contenAt this point in time they tend to need more food to be content.
The general rule of thumb is that mom should pump at the same times that her baby would normally feed.
A good rule of thumb is to keep one hand on your child at all times while bathing.
Rule of thumb is that a baby ought to be approximately twice his birth weight at 6 months, three times his birth weight at a year.
Chris had been nervous about leaving at the right time but says he knew we got it right because of a rule of thumb I told him from Natural Hospital Birth: «It should take you 10 minutes to get to the car.»
The rule of thumb is that you shouldn't be able to pinch the strap at the shoulders (in the photo above, the straps are too loose).
A good rule of thumb if you are nursing at the breast, too, is to count how many times your baby nurses in a day, and to be sure to make up that amount with a combined amount of nursings and pumpings (so if you nurse 9 times, and you nurse 5 times at home, you should pump 4 times at work.)
The rule of thumb is not to register at more than two stores.
The rule of thumb for all prepared foods is to not let the food stay out for more than 4 hours at room temperature.
Parents could get some indication of whether the mother is producing enough breast milk to sustain baby's proper development if the baby is having sufficient number of wet diapers a day (the rule of thumb is at least 8 wet diapers a day).
A good rule of thumb is to keep a bottle of water with you at all times.
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