Sentences with phrase «rule of thumb from»

Do you calculate the 60 % partial indemnity rule of thumb from the normal rate or the reduced rate?
A rule of thumb from is that» a healthy, well - managed woodlot can yield half a cord of wood per acre per year forever» and that «a ten acre woodlot could sustainably produce enough firewood each year to heat a house.»
A good rule of thumb from Brian Kelly, of The Points Guy blog, is that when you sign up for a card, look at how much value it's going to have for you once you have to pay the annual fee.
The rule of thumb from McKnight is that you should invest up to the employer match, but nothing more.
Dr. Dillman Taylor's favorite rules of thumbs from the CPRT model are the following: (These are directly from the

Not exact matches

For people in their 20s and 30s, Ponnapalli concedes that rules of thumb and general targets are a good place to start since it might be hard to gauge a detailed retirement budget from that many years away.
It's a rule of thumb used to determine the amount of funds to withdraw from a retirement account each year.
Not only does physically getting up now and again protect you from the truly horrible health consequences of too much sitting, but taking quick «smoke breaks» (sans cigarette) when you feel your mental energy depleting (for most folks around every 90 minutes seems to be a good rule of thumb) ensures you'll get more done in the long run.
A good rule of thumb is to include one quote from your CEO and one from a customer or partner.
A good rule of thumb is to give leeway to employees who have personally discussed a conflict in which in - office appearance has reduced their productivity - something that can be measured over time and revisited after a few work from home trials.
The second rule of thumb relates to our current fuel derivative portfolio where a 10 % reduction in the price of Brent for the remaining half of 2012 would result in an additional $ 0.04 of realized losses on fuel derivatives that would offset the $ 0.13 per share favorable impact from the reduced price of fuel.
A good rule of thumb for diversification is to subtract your age from 120 to determine the percentage of your portfolio that should be equity / stocks.
When you think about rules of thumb around withdrawal rates, right, how much can I withdraw from my portfolio, even the research that we do here at Vanguard, it's all predicated upon a balanced portfolio, anywhere between 40 % — 60 % in a globally diversified equity portfolio.
A general rule of thumb says it's safe to stop saving and start spending once you are debt - free and your retirement income from Social Security, pension, retirement accounts, etc. can cover your expenses and inflation.
While one can utilize various recommended asset balances from a brokerage like 50/40/10 (stocks, bonds, cash) or rely on rules of thumb like «subtract your age from 100 to ascertain a percent of assets that should be in stocks,» investment allocation should be a more introspective undertaking.
A good rule of thumb when raising startup capital from VCs is this; «don't go knocking on every VC's door with your plan.»
An iconic rule of thumb in determining how much you can safely withdraw from your retirement accounts is the 4 % rule.
Here's a handy rule of thumb that I've always followed: Subtract your age from 110.
Our rule of thumb: Aim to save at least a total of 15 % of your pretax income1 each year from age 25 to age 67.
As a rule of thumb, most currency traders stay away from exotic currencies — those nations often have unpredictable governments that can easily hurt investors and currency traders.
Prices vary widely, but according to the guide company Peak Planet, a good rule of thumb is to plan on spending about $ 5,000 for your trip, including round - trip airfare from the U.S.. That's not cheap, but if you're adventurous, this could be a once - in - a-lifetime trip.
The rule of thumb I hear ranges from using 120 to 100 as the base number from which you subtract your age to figure out your allocation towards stocks.
The traditional rule of thumb is to subtract your age from 110 and use the result as a guide to your equity allocation.
The «Rule of Thumb» known from English common law, however, limited the weapon to a size no wider than one's tThumb» known from English common law, however, limited the weapon to a size no wider than one's thumbthumb.
But anyways, a general rule of thumb for distinguishing fiction from non-fiction: if a story contains supernatural elements like magic, miracles and monsters, it is fiction.
I tried to convey to him, as a rule of thumb, that whatever he found missing from his picture of heaven should be made up by the exercise of his imagination.
So, although he would do certain things by rule - of - thumb experience — plough after sowing, protect the field from birds or wandering animals, etc. — for the most part after sowing he went his daily round with his prayers said, his fingers crossed and a wary eye on the field.
As a rule of thumb, fresh delicate herbs won't tolerate the long stint at high temps in the oven, so it's best to «finish» the dish once the vegetables have been removed from the oven and are being served with a sprinkle of the freshly chopped parsley, cilantro, basil, mint, etc..
A good rule of thumb is to choose about 2 - 4 Tbsp of toppings, and try to use anywhere from 2 - 5 different toppings for best results.
My rule of thumb with Wenger which has been for many years past too, from bitter experience, is to decide for myself what a proper manageR would do and then expect Wenger to do the opposite.
A good rule of thumb to calculate this: divide how many hours you are away from your baby by 3.
Chris had been nervous about leaving at the right time but says he knew we got it right because of a rule of thumb I told him from Natural Hospital Birth: «It should take you 10 minutes to get to the car.»
One rule of thumb is to utilize clothing with a tight weave as it blocks more sunlight from reaching your baby's skin.
They say as a rule of thumb that a two year old toddler will know and be able to say about 50 words, but this differs massively from one child to the next.
The rule of thumb we have used for all these decades initiated by our daughters pediatirician is stay away from Fava bean foods and Napthalene balls.
If you are purchasing a Belly Bandit early on in your pregnancy best rule of thumb is to go up 1 to 2 band sizes from your pre-pregnancy size.
«The rule of thumb is that a bottle of breast milk that has been partly eaten from can be reused for the next feeding, within two or three hours,» Gallagher says.
A good rule of thumb is to burp your baby every time you switch breasts or after each 2 or 3 ounces swallowed from the bottle.
The only true rule of thumb here may be that you should not have your child face out from you until they are able to hold their head steady.
However, if you do not have time to test your thermometer in boiling water, or if you just want a general idea of how to adjust candy temperature recipes, here is a handy rule of thumb: Subtract two degrees Fahrenheit from a stated temperature for every 1,000 feet you are above sea level.
A good rule of thumb for Senate races is that roughly half the uncertainty stems from local factors and half comes from national factors.
The most robust chess programs such as Deep Blue and Deep Fritz have beaten world champions by combining swift number crunching with rules of thumb derived from years of human play.
Or at least it used to, until Jack Stratton disconcerted the readers of Physics Today last year by writing that the term «rule of thumb» derives from the size of switches with which men were permitted to whip their wives until the beginning of the 19th century.
A good rule of thumb, regardless of where your caffeine is coming from, is to nix it at least six hours before bed.
A good rule of thumb is to hit the smaller muscles only after you've finished with the heavy lifting and drained all energy from the big ones, so never place isolation movements which tire out the small muscles before compound exercises.
A good rule of thumb is to make sure you get 40 % of your daily calories from protein and 30 % from carbs and fat.
A good rule of thumb is to always wear it one hole looser from the tightest position.
An easy rule of thumb to keep in mind is to make sure you are initiating the movement from the muscle group that is targeted for that specific exercises.
As a general rule of thumb, aim for 20 - 35 % of your total daily intake to come from fat.
A general rule of thumb in BBT charting is to look for a temperature shift of at least.4 degrees Fahrenheit from one day to the next as a sign that ovulation has occurred.
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