Sentences with phrase «ruled over the public interest»

Profits ruled over the public interest.

Not exact matches

The New York Public Interest Research Group examined the board's rulings over the past five years and found that «they never take action on anything.»
Every land - owner, the judge ruled, had property rights over clouds and the water they contained passing over their land; and, while men should not play God, if the government decided that cloud seeding was in the public's interest, it should proceed.
The leading case handed down over twenty years ago was Knight v. Indian Head School Division No. 19 (1990), where the Supreme Court of Canada set out a three - pronged test: when a public body's decision is administrative and final in nature, is made under a statute or code, and affects the interests or rights of the accused person, then the rules of procedural fairness must be followed.
Ensure you are up to date with the relevant procedural rules If you are interested in attending any Expert Witness Law and Procedure Courses to ensure that you are up to date with the current procedural rules that affect you and your duties as an expert we have the following public courses scheduled over the coming months:
I do not believe that anyone would seriously argue that when drafting Model Rules, it would be appropriate for the ABA to wear its «trade group» hat and promote the interests of its member lawyers over the interests of clients, the courts, or the public.
We're well over a year away from the earliest point at which the ITC would make a final initial determination and, if that preliminary ruling suggested an import ban, would request the most important round of public interest submissions (the complaint also triggered a request for input, but the most important submissions would likely be made at a later stage).
At this point, the members of the Federation will discuss the issue at a meeting next month, and then the initiative passes to the law societies in the provinces and territories, who will be mulling over what rule would be best in the interests of the public, clients and the profession.
In a legal battle over Internet music storage that could impact innovation and free expression on the Internet EFF Public Knowledge and other public interest groups asked a federal judge in an amicus brief to protect the «safe harbor» rules for online content in EMI v. MP3Public Knowledge and other public interest groups asked a federal judge in an amicus brief to protect the «safe harbor» rules for online content in EMI v. MP3public interest groups asked a federal judge in an amicus brief to protect the «safe harbor» rules for online content in EMI v. MP3Tunes.
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