Sentences with phrase «ruler looks»

Not exact matches

Furthermore, since, as is self - evidently apparent, the classes of beings are, at a command, in motion in a fashion a thousand times more well - ordered than that of an army, each group, from the stars, sun and moon and their motions to the flowers of the almond, displaying the decorations and uniforms the Pre-Eternal All - Powerful One has conferred on it, and the motion He has determined, in a way a thousand times more regular and perfect than that of an army — since this is so, the universe has an Absolute Ruler behind the veil of the Unseen, and its beings look to and conform to His command.
You know the one thing that sometimes helps give me insight into this mystery is looking throughout history at kingdoms and rulers and political systems.
One of the greatest examples of His teaching on money is His encounter with the Rich Young Ruler, which we will look at on Wednesday.
Well, you motivated me to go to the thesaurus and look up «leader»... how about baton, bellwether, big wheel, bigwig, boss, captain, chief, chieftain, commander, conductor, controller, counsellor, dean, dignitary, director, doyen, eminence, exec, foreman, forerunner, general, governor, guide, harbinger, head, head man, herald, honcho, kingpin, lead, lion *, luminary, maestro, manager, master, notability, notable, number one, officer, pacesetter, pilot, pioneer, precursor, president, principal, rector, ringleader, ruler, shepherd, skipper, superintendent, superior.
It's always tempting to look away when Jesus speaks to us of wealth, convincing ourselves that the rich young ruler is someone else who makes more money than we do.
The spiritual rulers are also in awe looking down on we puny humans and God's mercy towards us expressed in all clarity and purity.
Yes, the sun's rays do not shine with more equality on the peasant's hut and the ruler's palace, than the equality with which the Eternal looks down upon the highest and the lowest.
(Marduk, God of Babylon) scanned and looked through all the countries, searching for a righteous ruler....
Their courage was admirable: they ventured into a strange land, into the domain of a hostile ruler, unafraid of where the truth would lead them, unafraid of looking mad and misguided among their own contemporaries.
In the meanwhile, my children, while waiting for that far - off happy day, follow directions, submit to the surveillance, look at the nice pictures brought to you by the Pentagon, know that your rulers are wise.
Tomorrow we will look at how Jesus wanted the Rich Young Ruler (and churches today) to view wealth and possessions.
And as I look at the current turmoil in Iraq and remember my conversations with Muslim scholars, I have a better understanding of the popular appeal of theocracy in Muslim - majority countries that have been ruled by brutal and repressive secular rulers.
In politics, it means favoritism, tribalism, corruption: This is why we look askance at rulers who appoint family members to positions of power.
If you look at the definition of God, you can see that he is defined as the «originator and ruler of the universe».
Have a look on wikipedia and you will see that from 1076 onward the rulers of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation (a former pope had made Germany the successor of the Roman Empire) just were called merely kings.
Try looking at 2 Peter 1:5... or how about THE ENTIRE BOOK OF PROVERBS and King Solomon, son of King David, who was foretold to be a very wise king and ruler, and believer in God.
Have a look on wikipedia and you will see that from 1076 onward the rulers of the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation (a former pope had made Germany the successor of the Roman Empire) just were called merely kings (before 1076 they were called emperors).
Both Gallant Man and Bold Ruler have been shipped there, and when they arrive they will find themselves strolling over a bright and green courtyard and looking directly into one another's eyes.
Regular rulers can be difficult to see from from the angle of looking down at your nipples or in the mirror, and it can be tricky to line up the measurement marks to your nipple.
Have your child hold the ruler and look at the numbers.
In the world of the Hunger Games, the fates of our rural heroes are decided by the rulers of the Capital, which looks like Manhattan crossed with Versailles.
So technically, the traditional rulers are saying, «look, this is the guy we want.»
And to all the members of the Anambra State Traditional Rulers Council, all the PGs and members of the various town unions across Anambra State, all the Bishops, Reverend Fathers and Pastors, the members of the organized Labour, the youths of Anambra State, the traders, the farmers, the ordinary men and women who look up to government for a better day, I assure you that my team and I shall never fail you.
Star Ruler Blind Mind Studios If you long to reach your Machiavellian potential on a galactic scale, look no further than the dirty politics and complex economies of this multiplayer - capable PC game.
Think of it this way: Colors and sounds can be measured with rulers, but odors must be looked up in a dictionary.
In the early days of ancient Egypt, around 3100 B.C., there lived a ruler named Scorpion, who probably did not look like The Rock.
Ruler — Straight up and down so your shoulders, waist and hips look almost the same width when viewed from straight on.
Ruler A balanced strength training program so you work both your upper and lower body, your waist will begin to look smaller as your proportions change.
Just because you are in one of these categories does not mean you can't alter the way your body looks, now don't get me wrong I am not saying that you can go from being a ruler to an hourglass or visa versa, it just wont happen due to your genetics, build, your bone structure etc. but what you can do is sculpt parts of your body to give the illusion of being a different body shape.
But for many moms, this constitues a radical shift in thinking: we've all been so busy trying to look like rulers for the last 10 years, that hourglass now equates to fat.
I am a young dom college student who's looking to attain his rightful position as ruler of you pigs.
ABC and IMAX kicked off the promotion for the upcoming Marvel series Inhumans this week with the release of a first - look cast image, poster and teaser, and now during a chat with EW actor Anson Mount has been speaking about his role as Black Bolt, and how the mute ruler of Attilan will communicate in the -LSB-...]
Chadwick Boseman, who stars as Wakandan ruler T'Challa, looked every bit the part in a black and gold blazer by Emporio Armani.
Regardless of loyalty, the arrival of the Pevensies looks like the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy foretelling her doom at the hands of four humans who would come to assist Aslan (voiced by Liam Neeson), the rightful ruler.
«Regarding the look of Zelda herself, she is a ruler.
Odin is growing old, and Asgard — an empyrean and timeless realm that looks like the Emerald City of Oz cast in pyrite — will soon need a new ruler.
But the trip beyond the garden walls leads to some amusing visual variations on decorative creatures coming to life, like an army of Lucky Cats presenting their ruler, or a doll shop that doubles as a mildly seedy nightclub when the owners aren't looking.
The actor has specifically been looking for issues that feature King T'Chaka, the ruler of Wakanda.»
- Colour charts - Instead of «look», use... - Literacy ruler page - Literacy rulers - Punctuation pyramid - Said» is dead!
Look how different the rulers can be.
Overall, the design of the 2015 Ford F - 150 isn't a huge leap forward, as the basic ruler - straight lines and angled windshield remain, but it is a smarter and more modern take the current F - 150 look
Carbon fibre looks great on a racing car serving it's crucial performance, not so much on a wallet or erm 15 quid ruler...
Look at a traditionally published book; if you put a ruler under a line on the left page, it will line up with the same line on the facing page.
For this you should really bring a ruler, as many sizes look almost the same.
Use a ruler to measure the various dimensions of books that are similar (or not) to what you want your book to look like.
Our ninja didn't have a pocket ruler, but he said that the size of the display is approximately the exact same as the original Kindle even though at first glance it looks a little smaller.
However, look a little closer, and you'll see that this 7 - mile stretch also is home to many important sites of historical significance, like HULIHE`E PALACE, PA O UMI (the residence of the ruler Umi - a-Liloa [ca.
Sure, there are rewards for normal things like rescuing the princess and becoming the ruler of Albion, but you can also earn achievements by cross dressing, looking like a hippie, or performing as a 5 - star lute player.
Supreme Ruler: The Great War is available now, so drop in and have a look as we engage in one of the greatest conflicts of the modern age and perhaps get a shot at the action yourself.
Regarding the look of Zelda herself, she is a ruler.
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