Sentences with word «rulership»

My conviction is that it is time to end the tyranny of rulership of a wicked minority Political elite class.
The priest - kings of the first cities gave them beer, bread, and all that is good, and received the divine right of rulership in return.
Chyrophrase the Troll wins by amassing money, and The Dragon King of Arms claims rulership by causing carnage on the streets, represented by Trouble markers, which I'll get back to later.
24:14) What religion is really proclaiming God's Kingdom as the hope of mankind instead of encouraging people to look to human rulership to solve their problems?
Just as Oba Ademola Elegushi, fate singled - out youthful Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi for rulership of Ile - Ife as the Ooni.
While the British ruled directly in some places, in other parts of India rulership was by local kings (Maharajas) under...
Charismatic and religious aspects of Maya rulership: An interpretation of the Coranitas temple complex of La Corona.
His father was killed in a previous Marvel blockbuster, which means he is now expected to assume rulership in the nation of Wakanda.
As time goes on, society, including those religious, secular, atheists, nationalistic, patriotic, tyranny rulerships, etc., are all moving away from the peaceful messages and rules provided in the bible.
It will vindicate the rightful rulership of earth's Owner, Jehovah God, over all his creation.
This gives an important emphasis to the fact that there would be no kingdom at all apart from the eternal rulership of God, and no Christian understanding of the kingdom, with its challenge and hope, apart from Christ.
Why does Paul describe evil spirits in geographical rulership terms (thrones, principalities, rulers, authorities)?
The destruction of the U.S. democracy & all other governments in the world with be replaced with a prefect world rulership under Christ.
most buried there are just hoodlums of yours and shouldn't have been born just like your sleaze club rulership.
Now, to show that a sacrificial act qualifies as an example of cruel and oppressive rulership, you would need to produce an unwilling sacrifice.
@ohwilleke There are very, very few monarchies in the world with an unbroken line of rulership older than the US Republic.
Mr. Nkanga, we are not under military rulership where few power drunkers staged coup and take over the governance.
By around 250 AD the defining elements of Classic Maya civilization such as the Long Count calendar, the ahau rulership, the Maya script and styles of architecture were all well established.
The impression a dispassionate observer would have from the failure of security and law enforcement during the Bayelsa election (which was conducted in Nigeria's smallest state with the lowest number of registered voters) would be that the federal government permitted or condoned the strong - arm tactics of the ruling party's candidate in his ultimately vain effort to secure that state's rulership by force.
Revolt and civil war among the Maya in 1221 CE, evidenced by archeological findings of burned buildings, led to Chichen Itza's decline and rulership over Yucatán shifted to Mayapan.
While the British ruled directly in some places, in other parts of India rulership was by local kings (Maharajas) under British oversight.
The Sun God's Tomb dates from about 600 - 650 AD and when excavated contained the tomb of an adult man, plus offereings including ceramic bowls, shell beads, Jadeite anklets, bracelets and beads, pearls, pyrite and hematite, and the carved jade head of what some believe is the Sun God, Kinich Ahau, and others believe is the Jester God, a symbol of Maya rulership.
Eventually, of course, Hulk will team up again with Thor, as well as Scrapper, as well as Thor's half - brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston)-- also exiled to the same distant planet — to do battle against the evil Hela (Cate Blanchett), the Goddess of Death, who has assumed rulership of Asgard and wants to conquer the universe.
The exhibition features artworks as illustrations of the societies» fundamental principles such as the shamanic foundation of rulership in Mesoamerica, Costa Rica and Panama, and the cosmic principles embodied by gold and silver in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
In contrast to human rulership, God's rule benefits those who accept it.
All this will be facilitated by the power and rulership of Uranus the planet of occultism and absolute unity of all humanity and all life.
It was recorded by faithful men, so that all future generations would have an opportunity to know the truth about God, His Son, Jesus Christ and the coming kingdom (rulership) of God.
The dominion over the earth is understood as the rulership, control, or authority over the earth.
All the scriptural teachings about governments apply, but the reality of democratic and participatory governments means that a vocation - centered theology can not view Christians as merely the subjects of the state: By having voice, Christians are participants in the rulership of their state.
Nevertheless, Satan offers to Jesus what he does have: rulership over the earth.
(Genesis 3:2 - 5) Satan implied that mankind would be better off without God's rulership.
In order to settle this issue, our Creator, Jehovah God, has allowed mankind to be ruled by Satan (though most are unaware of it, 1 John 5:19) for over 6000 years of human history to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Satan's way of ruling is a miserable failure and while at the same time to see who will firmly support Jehovah God's rulership.
Religion and governments are soon to be destroyed along with Satan and his rulership.
The kingdom concept is rooted in the biblical view of history, with its forward - moving stream of events under the rulership of the sovereign, righteous God.
Islamic Governments and Rulerships have rarely indulged in brutality that is reflective of a lack of inner peace of its adherents.
This note of God's rulership in conjunction with the requirements which this lays upon us is sounded again and again in the parables of the kingdom which make up a large part of the first three Gospels.
Exposing the hypocrisy, lies and deception used by our governments and institutions would not be allowed under any rulership.
Instead, he directed people's attention to God's kingdom and of which the healings provided a foregleam of what he will do under his rulership as king of God's kingdom in the near future, when at that time: «And no resident will say: «I am sick.»
Later, this same Messiah, Jesus, would serve as the King of God's Kingdom, a governmental organization spoken of at Daniel 2:44 as the agency which would itself take everlasting rulership over the earth, having destroyed every other form of rulership.
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