Sentences with phrase «rules of quantum mechanics»

They then used the weird rules of quantum mechanics to simultaneously set the paddle moving while leaving it standing still.
One combines them according to the usual rules of quantum mechanics, wherein the phases associated with them are essential.
The standard rules of quantum mechanics work extremely well, but, given that there are still open questions regarding the interpretation of quantum mechanics, scientists are not sure whether the current rules are the final story.
Classical certainty ceded its stewardship of reality to the probabilistic rule of quantum mechanics, even as the parallel revolution of Einstein's relativity displaced our cherished, absolute notions of space and time.
If it's Alice who's right, then information will be lost, breaking a fundamental rule of quantum mechanics.
The excess jiggling of the miniature, diving board — like structure might hint at why the strange rules of quantum mechanics don't apply in the familiar, «classical» world.
The quantum bit of information carried on each photon was 0 if it belonged to the earlier pulse, 1 if it belonged to the later pulse, or 0 and 1 simultaneously if (thanks to the bizarre rules of quantum mechanics) it belonged to both the earlier and later pulse.
In analyzing the details of the splitting and joining process, Bars and Rychkov found that the basic rules of quantum mechanics naturally emerge.
Remarkably, photosynthesis appears to derive its ferocious efficiency not from the familiar physical laws that govern the visible world but from the seemingly exotic rules of quantum mechanics, the physics of the subatomic world.
Many problems in physics are difficult to untangle because their underlying behaviour, governed by the intricate rules of quantum mechanics, is too complex for computers to simulate.
The experiment will help scientists explore why small objects follow the weird rules of quantum mechanics but large ones do not — one of the greatest enigmas in physics.
His solution was to give up the standard rules of quantum mechanics, but after two decades of confusion a consensus emerged that Hawking was wrong.
Quantum computers use quantum bits (qubits), which behave according to the rules of quantum mechanics, to solve problems.
Applying the rules of quantum mechanics to psychology and economics can help us understand the brain and how people make decisions, two physicists argue
Information about everything inside the black hole, including dead astronauts, would presumably disappear, too, a startling conclusion that flouts the rules of quantum mechanics.
But complementarity breaks another rule of quantum mechanics (see «Problematic entanglements,» below).
Unfortunately, while the firewall would play by the rules of quantum mechanics, it would violate Einstein's theory of general relativity.
According to the rules of quantum mechanics, the radioactive particle exists as a wave function in all its possible states — both emitted and not emitted.
The rules of quantum mechanics mean you can't directly read the state of a qubit without destroying it — it's like opening the box to take a look at Schrödinger's cat.
«This link suggests that there is a deeper physical phenomenon, namely string interactions, underlying the usual... rules of quantum mechanics, thus providing a possible explanation for where they come from,» Bars and Rychkov write.
But the world of atoms and photons obeys the rules of quantum mechanics, which include a number of strange and very counterintuitive features.
Scientists have long believed that a computer based on the rules of quantum mechanics could allow them to crack problems that are currently unsolvable.
When her transmitter isn't aligned with Bob's receiver, the key transmission becomes ambiguous: For example, if Alice sends a photon polarized at 45 ° and Bob has his detector set to the horizontal - or - vertical orientation, then according to the rules of quantum mechanics, Bob will register a horizontal click with 50 % probability or a vertical click with 50 % probability.
By the rules of quantum mechanics, the photons on the wire inherit some of the properties of the artificial atom — in a sense linking them.
At this scale, an object is small enough to be strongly affected by the rules of quantum mechanics but large enough to observe directly.
The rules of quantum mechanics give atoms discrete ways to absorb energy in collisions or lose it to photons.
The findings, announced this morning at a scientific presentation at the Harvard - Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, also show that gravity — at the smallest scale — follows the rules of quantum mechanics, similar to other forces such as electromagnetism.
Wheeler believes the quest for an answer to that question inevitably entails wrestling with the implications of one of the strangest aspects of modern physics: According to the rules of quantum mechanics, our observations influence the universe at the most fundamental levels.
There is no obvious reason why the rules of quantum mechanics shouldn't apply to large objects.
But although the rules of quantum mechanics seem to apply at small scales, nobody has seen evidence of them on a large scale, where outside influences can more easily destroy fragile quantum states.
«The rules of quantum mechanics that govern the way atoms bind are fairly restrictive,» says Pine.
In contrast, a tiny machine unveiled this year jiggles in ways explicable only by the weird rules of quantum mechanics, which ordinarily govern molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles.
In order to test this specific behaviour, the scientists chose a combination of input bits that — according to the rules of quantum mechanics — must lead to an entangled state of atom and photon after the gate operation.
Although at these temperatures the atoms behave as waves and follow the rules of quantum mechanics, they still conserve an intrinsic property of a gas: they expand in the absence of container.
The rules of quantum mechanics say that those electrons must return back to the lower energy level.
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