Sentences with phrase «rules of the universe»

Nevertheless, just as in science there are some overarching governing rules of the universe which tend to be active in all situations and events, so also in trying to understand some of the bad things that happen in life, there seem to be some overarching rules which guide and govern these actions.
Though there are large, governing rules of the universe which tend to guide all actions and behaviors (such as the laws of gravity and entropy), the nearly infinite number of other variables can often lead to unforeseen outcomes and unexpected results.
Like a lot of people who work up close with the fundamental rules of the universe, Einstein was impressed by the beauty of the underlying mathematics.
One of the unbreakable rules of the universe is that if mainstream culture finds a successful product, Christian culture will find a way to counterprogram it.
Just as gravity is not the only rule of the universe, so also, Jesus becoming sin for us is also not the only rule for why bad things happen in this universe.
As soon as you start doing those things for yourself, its like an unwritten rule of the universe that things start to fall into place.
When I describe to him my idea that the typical techie is an engineer looking for the rules of the universe, he raises his eyebrows.
Once can see the complexity of the rules of the universe and determine that design is an option.
Now who ever or whatever established these rules of universe and keeps them going is a God and is creator.
And, if science is your basis for not believing in God, understanding the implications of this single experiment might cause you to reconsider just how «knowable» the rules of the universe really are.
The rules of the universe being what they are, no good moment goes unpunished.
Such defiance in the face of the rules of the universe is typical of football managers.
Science can explain the rules of the universe but does nothing to explain why it exists.
These superhuman violations of the rules of the universe are possible because, unbeknownst to him, Neo's consciousness is embedded in the Matrix, a virtual - reality simulation created by sentient machines.
The movie begins with our hero (Jim Sturgess) explaining the rules of the universe to us, and then spends the next 98 minutes trying to avoid or ignore those rules.
Screenplay-wise, however, the movie goes both a little too far and not far enough in establishing the rules of its universe.
The rules of this universe are fast and loose, so the monsters can't hear over a waterfall, but they can listen through walls from miles away.
I'm about to do something very clever and a tiny bit against the rules of the universe.
I was also very aware that in the early issues of Blastosaurus there'd be a lot of exposition to set up the story and, more importantly, the rules of this universe.
And so, by the rules of this universe, a Cappy could not possibly sit atop that Toad if the spotted bulb were itself a hat.
«It kind of turns into a different game where you're essentially bending the rules of the universe to get what you want, which seems like it has nothing to do with cats, but it does.»
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