Sentences with phrase «rules serve a purpose»

Food rules serve a purpose; they can be a coping strategy to block out emotions and distract you from feeling your feelings.
If you don't need those distributions — perhaps you can live on other savings, or you have a pension in addition to your IRA — the minimum distribution rules serve no purpose other than to reduce your tax benefits from the IRA.

Not exact matches

She cites regulations that are used infrequently but still serve an important purpose and may lose out to rules governing emerging areas of business, like technology.
The proposed rule would also apply to governmental jurisdictions or transit authorities that provide commuter rail service — none of which is small for purposes of the SBA (i.e., no entity serves a locality with a population less Start Printed Page 38437than 50,000).
Our board of directors has affirmatively determined that Messrs. Vivian and Guillemin meet the definition of «independent director» for purposes of serving on an audit committee under Rule 10A - 3 and the New York Stock Exchange rules, and we intend to comply with the other independence requirements within the time periods specified.
Rule 1: You Can't Make Them Up Rule 2: Don't Confuse a Buyer Persona with a Customer Profile Rule 3: Get the Right People with the Right Attributes and the Right Skills Involved Rule 4: Buyer Personas Are a Translation of Goals Rule 5: A Buyer Persona Offers Insight into the Unarticulated and the No - So - Obvious Rule 6: Buyer Persona Development is Not a Quantitative Process Rule 7: Avoid Building a Wire Mesh of Data Points When Developing Buyer Personas Rule 8: Goal - Centered Qualitative and Experiential Analysis is the Foundation of Buyer Persona Development Rule 9: The Purpose of the Buyer Persona Development Process is to Inform on Goal - Centered Customer Strategies Rule 10: Buyer Persona Development Serves as a Communications Platform to Tell the Story of Customers and Buyers
'' [I] ts sole purpose is to encourage all citizens to engage in prayer, an inherently religious exercise that serves no secular function,» a Wisconsin judge wrote in the ruling, referring to the 1952 law that created the National Day of Prayer.
In other words, God did not create the Sabbath to rule over the lives of mankind, but created the Sabbath to serve mankind, to help mankind accomplish our mission and purpose on earth.
But others will see the change as a blessing in disguise, as the Church in America is forced to humbly reconsider its mission and purpose as a «set apart» people committed to serving rather than ruling.
We can never change our beliefs and core teachings, but it is good to be open - minded to changing traditions and rules that once served a purpose, but do little to advance the Gospel today.
Unless we believe that NFL executives have reoriented their mental models in way that excludes race as an identifying characteristic then the Rooney Rule still serves a valuable purpose.
But what purpose does it serve to definitively rule your team out?
Whether you insist lunch must be served at noon on the dot, or you never allow your child to stay up a minute past bedtime, militant rules may only serve one purpose — keeping your anxiety at bay.
But going into a long explanation with a 5 - year - old about why he needs to go to bed early or why he shouldn't suddenly let go of your hand and run in a parking lot isn't going to serve any purpose, and developmentally - speaking, your child won't really be able to fully listen, absorb the rule, and remember this information the next time.
Change the party rules so future leadership candidates require the nominations of only 5 % of MPs instead of 15 % - permanently enfranchising the Campaign Group - and Corbyn would've served a transformative purpose.
«No public purpose is served by failing to adhere to the rules in order to satisfy an artificial deadline,» Marston, a lobbyist and former lawmaker said.
It's in the Senate rules... Moving forward, we still serve a very, very useful purpose
But other aspects such as the 17 - day cycles and the rule about no fruit or carbohydrates after 2 p.m. serve no purpose for weight loss and are just «gimmicks,» Levitsky said.
, some of you may see how a judge may not give a damn what Chase says about arbitration requirements or their right according to the agreement to change it at any time however they want, fundamentally Chase is using legalise to avoid accountability for fraud, and the ruling shall therefore be, for the interests of justice to be properly served, that these contractual provisions shall set aside for the purposes of determining the charges.
A creative Olympian with little respect for the rules of the game, Mothersbaugh expresses his unique worldview in whatever medium best serves his purpose: as co-founder of the avant - garde art project / rock band DEVO, composer of scores for film and television, illustrator of 30,000 - plus postcards, mutant portraitist, and maker of musical machines.
Attached to the wall, hand - sanitiser dispensers of the type you find in hospitals reinforce the impression of arbitrary rules being enforced (speaking on the opening day, Sworn cites Eula Biss's On Immunity (2014), which suggests that these devices serve no purpose beyond reassurance).
The phasing out of domestic content rules is also good news, as they have served their purpose.
Re-reading the rules serves two purposes.
On Thursday 5 December the ECSC Court of Appeal handed down an order bringing much needed clarity to the Eastern Caribbean Civil Procedure Rules (the CPR) relating to leave to serve out for the purpose of enforcing foreign judgments.
(E)-- And Section 28 (Ka) of BANKING COMPANY of 2001 which explain WRITTEN OFF does not mean Weaver were included to SERVE THE PURPOSE OF VESTED GROUPS & Their AGENTS and also to misguide the International Community & Bangladesh National (F) And also take immediate steps to reform or abolished the system of CERTIFICATE CASE Which are nothing but abuse of Law for realizing Government Taxes, Agricultural Loan etc and is one of the worst system of CLONIAL RULE Suffering Groups of Owner of Industries of Bangladesh
It is not immediately clear to me what purpose is served by Aldo's comparison between comparative law and customary international law, unless, of course, comparative law is seen mainly as a technique to identify legal rules that are ripe for transplantation to another legal system.
Approaching the matter in this way serves to focus the inquiry on the exercise of the discretion with a view to the purpose of the Rule and obviates the need to guess as to whether, and if so when, a first assessment not ordered under the Rule may have evolved into such an assessment.
These rules are in place to prevent parental kidnapping and other forms of child abduction, so while gathering the necessary documents may be a hassle, remember that they serve an important purpose.
Key decision before the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal On Thursday 5 December the ECSC Court of Appeal handed down an order bringing much needed clarity to the Eastern Caribbean Civil Procedure Rules (the CPR) relating to leave to serve out for the purpose of enforcing foreign judgments.
We need to ask ourselves whether these rules are serving our policy purposes.
«Rule 37 sanctions serve a threefold purpose:
Writing for the majority in Evanston v. Create, Inc., Justice Moran of the Illinois Supreme Court succinctly stated the purpose «home rule» serves.
However, as with past editions of the McGill Guide, I would regularly decide to intentionally violate the recommended rules where it served my purpose and I felt I could justify my departure from their standard.
We believe that because intelligence / national security activities and Presidential / other protective service activities are discrete functions serving different purposes, they should be treated consistently but separately under the rule.
«For that reason, Mississippi's adoption of class action rules would serve no purpose,» wrote Kim.
Response: As indicated above, we do not intend for the rule's permissive approach to health oversight or the absence of specific documentation to permit the government to gather large amounts of protected health information for purposes unrelated to health oversight as defined in the rule, and we do not intend for these oversight provisions to serve as a «back door» for law enforcement access to protected health information.
They massage rules, distinctions, meanings and facts to serve their clients» purposes.
No good purpose would be served by seeking a preliminary ruling on the EC issues if it was clear that the house would be bound to hold, applying the relevant test, that any such restrictions as result of the ban were justified on grounds of public policy and were proportionate.
Written questions on experts» reports and experts» discussions in civil cases were CPR innovations and the purpose of the rule is to facilitate a helpful and open exchange of information after the expert's reports have been served and prior to trial.
Despite its broad deterrent purpose, the exclusionary rule has never been interpreted to proscribe the use of illegally seized evidence in all proceedings or against all persons... the application of the rule has been restricted to those areas where its remedial objectives are thought most efficaciously served.
«An appraisal (i) of the manner in which, and the apparent purpose for which rights, powers, duties and discretions are allocated by the contract; (ii) of the contract's particular commercial or business setting, and (iii): of the self - serving actions lawfully open to a party both under, and not withstanding the contract will, as a rule, indicate decisively whether the role and reason of a party in the contract (or in a discrete part of it) can properly be said to be to serve his own interests, the parties» joint interests, or the interests of the other party.»
The rules served a particular purpose, preventing bottlenecks on the museum floor and ensuring everyone had a good chance to see the exhibit.
That app is now called WatchOn and serves the same purpose — helping users connect their TV, cable box, and other entertainment center devices to the One Phone To Rule Them All.
Researchers noted that the rule is «closely related» to the inflation - targeting policy implemented by many banks and would serve the same purpose.
In a well - established decision, the Ontario Court of Appeal stated that costs rules are intended to serve three fundamental purposes:
In holding that the Rule of Reason Test would apply, the court stated «if properly administered, membership requirements serve pro-competitive purposes,» and «the Board's activities were not «plainly anti-competitive» and lacking in «any redeeming value.»»
As an Ontario practitioner (without detailed knowledge of registration in the other provinces) I see the (mandatory - membership) Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) now as the industry's rule - setter and disciplinarian and wonder if «Realtor» might be given a new meaning and serve a new purpose — perhaps solving the concerns expressed by the Competition Bureau.
Since the court found that the local protections claimed by the Regulators burdened interstate commerce and were not narrowly drawn to serve their state purpose, the court ruled the Regulators» actions were unconstitutional.
The amici (all of which, like NAR, have promulgated codes of ethics and ethical guidelines), also argue that ethical rules such as the CDA's, which prohibit inaccurate advertisements, actually serve various pro competitive purposes.
The court found that the Notice served the purpose of protecting the Broker's right to collect its unpaid judgment, and so trial court's rulings were affirmed.
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