Sentences with phrase «run economies and societies»

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But we do know that employees need to know more about how the machines that run our economy and impact our society work.
For example, investor Jack Bogle predicted at the outset of the Trump administration that the president's proposed infrastructure spending would be good for the economy in the short term but would be detrimental to the economy, stock market and society over the long run.
This ploy highlights the fact that Smith's advice runs counter to conventional thinking about the economy and society it is also a reminder that anyone can have a valuable perspective on economic problems.
Tapping into national sentiments is one thing; running complex economies and societies is another.
Good public transport connects communities supports businesses and strengthens the UK economy Go - Ahead is one of the UK's largest transport companies with more than a billion journeys made on our buses and trains each year Running our business sustainably is vital to our long term success for Customers Our People Investors Society
The election debates gave the Liberal Democrats by - election status, and disrupted an already disjointed Tory campaign The Conservatives stopped losing on the economy but they didn't develop a strong or consistent economic message The Big Society agenda is an exciting governing philosophy but it should never have been put at the heart of the Tory election campaign No party ran a campaign responsive to the seismic impact of the expenses scandal - and to the prevailing mood of disillusion with Westminster politics
The very economy of society is run on the power and trade of memories.
The question is, can societies commit to a sustained effort to move beyond fossil fuels (and to curtail the destruction of tropical forests) even as nature runs hot and cold — and especially as the economy does the same?
If it continues unchecked, humanity will soon be running out of food and water... the environment, especially climate change, is going to be the central issue for all society, including business, politics and the economy...
We have in the course of a single century built an entire society, economy and culture that runs on information.
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